Distance-Dependent Surface Plasmon Resonance Coupling between Silver Nanoparticles and Gold Grating Surface
◎Chutiparn Lertvachirapaiboon・馬場 暁(新潟大学)・Sanong Ekgasit・Chuchaat Thammacharoen(Chulalongkorn University)・金子双男・加藤景三・新保一成(新潟大学)
The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) has been widely employed for a lot of application which are based on the change in refractive index close to a thin metal surface. Recently, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were induced to SPR substrate to increase the electric field on a metal substrate surface. There have a lot of papers, which mention the strongest electric field enhancement should be occurred at the metal particle-film gap. Hence, the distance between AgNPs and metal substrate is one important factor to obtain the strongest electric filed enhancement. In this work, we studied the distance-dependent transmission surface plasmon resonance (T-SPR) response properties between AgNPs and gold grating surface with an intermediate layer for the AgNPs-gold grating substrate separation.