September 21-26, 2025
Fukuoka International Congress Center
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CD(Cross-Disciplinary): This year's topics is "Pattern and Structure Formation in Turbulence" |
F (Fundamental) covers 1. Mathematical plasma physics, 2. MHD and Reconnection, 3. Kinetic MHD, 4. Plasma turbulence, 5. Gyro kinetic, 6. NC transport, 7. Turbulent transport, 8. Current Drive, 9. Relativistic plasma physics |
B (Basic) covers 1. Plasma Simulation, 2. Strongly-coupled& Dusty& Quantum plasmas, 3. Atomic& Molecular in plasma for astro/solar/space, laser, low temp and fusion applications, 4. Plasma Diagnostics, 5. Non-neutral plasma, 7. Plasma propulsion, 8. Plasma source and plasma heating system. |
A (Applied) covers Plasma processing, Plasma Medicine, Plasma Agriculture, Arc welding, High voltage discharge, Low temperature plasma, etc. |
L (Laser) covers Laser plasma interaction and its application such as Laser fusion, Laser wake field acceleration |
SG(Space&Geomagnetism) covers space and geomagnetic plasma physics |
SA(Solar/Astro) covers solar plasma physics and astro plasma physics |
MF1 (Magnetic fusion (Core)) covers magnetic confinement fusion plasma (core) |
MF2 (Magnetic fusion (Edge)) covers magnetic confinement fusion plasma, edge, SOL and divertor) |