AAPPS-DPP2025 Annual Conference

September 21-26, 2025

Fukuoka International Congress Center

Nomination of plenary and invited papers
Deadline extended to April 5, 2025.
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Nomination Template

Both self nomination and nomination by others is acceptable.

If you have any questions, please contact here.
CD (Cross-Disciplinary) covers cross-disciplinary focused topics related to turbulence and structure formation
F (Fundamental disciplines in plasma physics) covers 1. Mathematical plasma physics, 2. MHD and Reconnection, 3. Kinetic MHD, 4. Plasma turbulence, 5. Gyro kinetics, 6. Collisional transport, 7. Turbulent transport, 8. Phase space dynamics, 9. Relativistic plasma physic
B1 (Basic 1) covers Plasma diagnostics (measurements), simulation, and data science
B2 (Basic 2) covers 1. Quantum and Dusty plasmas, 2. Plasma Sources, 3. Basic experiments and emerging topics, 4. Atomic& Molecular physics in plasma
A1 (Applied 1) covers Plasma Materials and Processing
A2 (Applied 2) covers Plasma Life Science
L1 [ICF, HEDS, Lab. Astro Plasma Physics]
L2 [LWFA/PWFA, Photon Beam Science]
SG (Space&Geomagnetism) covers space and geomagnetic plasma physics program covers
SA (Solar/Astro) covers solar plasma physics and astro plasma physics
MF1 (Magnetic fusion (Core)) covers magnetic confinement fusion plasma (core)
MF2 (Magnetic fusion (Edge)) covers magnetic confinement fusion plasma, edge, SOL and divertor)