Keyword |
Theoretical Particle Physics |
Select one keyword or one combination of two keywords appropriate for your talk from the list below and fill the corresponding keyword number from (1) to (6)
The meaning of the abbreviations is
Th(theory), Ph(phenomenology), and Lat(lattice theory). |
1. Th
2. Ph
3. Lat
4. Th/Ph
5. Th/Lat
6. Ph/Lat
Experimental Particle Physics |
Select keywords which are the most appropriate for your talk from the list below. Choose one from the first group (indicate it by its number, 1 or 2). If you choose “1. Physics” from the first group, choose one from the second group (indicate it by its number, among 3 to 14). If you choose “2. Detectors” from the first group, choose one from the second group and one from the third group (indicate it by its alphabet), but the second group keyword can be optional. In principle, we will organise the programs based on your selected keywords. |
*The first group of keywords
1. Physics
2. Detectors
*The second group of keywords
3. B, charm physics
4. Kaon physics
5. Tau physics
6. Muon physics
7. Neutrino physics
8. Top physics
9. Higgs, Electroweak physics
10. New particle search
11. QCD Physcs
12. Hadron physics
13. Symmetry breaking
14. Double Beta Decay (Joint Session)
15. Dark Matter Search (Joint Session)
16. Other physics topics
*The third group of keywords
A. Semiconductor detectors
B. Photon detectors
C. Gaseous ionization detectors
D. Tracking detectors
E. Calorimeters
F. Particle identification techniques
G. Triggers
H. DAQ/Readout electronics
I. Computing/Network/Software technologies (joint session)
J. Simulations
K. Accelerators/Beamlines
M. Other detector topics
Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics |
A. High energy/Ultra-high energy cosmic rays
B. High energy gamma rays
C. High energy neutrinos
D. Theoretical astrophysics
E. Solar cosmic rays
F. X-rays/gamma rays
G. Cosmogenic nuclides
H. Gravitational waves
I. Neutrino oscillation (Joint Session)
J. Dark matter
K. Cosmic background radiation (Joint Session)
L. Relativity
M. Cosmology
N. Computing/Network/Software technology (Joint Session)
O. Others |
Beam Physics |
*The first group of key words
1. beam physics
2. beam application
3. accelerator science
*The second group of key words
10. particle beam
11. muon
12. beam / plasma source
13. electron beam source
14. ion beam source
15. multi-charged ion source
16. neutron source
17. gamma ray source
18. polarized beam
19. non-neutral plasma
20. laser plasma
21. accelerator
22. electrostatic accelerator
23. cyclotron
24. synchrotron
25. linac
26. ERL(energy recovery linac)
27. FFAG-synchrotron
28. plasma acceleration
29. beam storage ring
30. collider
31. beam-beam interaction
32. beam-laser interaction
33. beam-plasma interaction
34. beam-reactor interaction
35. beam-environment interaction
36. light source
37. synchrotron radiation
38. insertion device
39. free electron laser
40. undulator
41. wiggler
42. coherent radiation
43. betatron oscillation
44. terahertz radiation
45. electromagnet
46. permanent magnet
47. normal conducting magnet
48. superconducting magnet
49. pulsed magnet
50. power supply
51. vacuum
52. beam dynamics
53. beam theory
54. acceleration principle
55. numerical analysis/simulation
56. beam instability
57. space charge effect
58. beam loss
59. beam optics
60. neutron beam optics
61. beam diagnostics
62. beam control
63. beam monitor
64. interlock
65. ion trap
66. beam cooling
67. electromagnetic field calculation
68. rf source
69. high-power pulse source
70. laser
71. particle beam application
72. medical / life science application
73. medical instruments
74. medical physics
75. material science application
76. electron microscope
77. transmutation
78. Inertial confinement fusion
79. accelerator-driven reactor
80. AMS(accelerator mass spectrometry)
81. Laser-generated quantum beam science
82. SuperKEKB・Belle II・ILC (joint session)
83. Nuclear and particle physics experiments with high intensity accelerators (joint session)
84. others
Keyword number in the Materials Properties Field |
Division 1 (atomic and molecular physics, quantum electronics, radiation)
Division 2 (Plasma)
Division 3 (Magnetism)
Division 4 (semiconductors, mesoscopic systems and quantum transport)
Division 5 (Optical properties of condensed matter)
Division 6 (metal physics [liquid metals, quasicrystals], low temperature physics [ultralow temperatures, superconductivity, density waves)
Division 7 (molecular solids)
Division 8 (Strongly Correlated Electron Systems)
Division 9 (Surfaces & Interfaces, Crystal Growth)
Division 10 (structural property(dielectrics, ferroelectricity,lattice defects and nanostructures, phononic properties, and X-ray and particle beams))
Division 11(fundamental theory of condensed matter physics, statistical mechanics, fluid dynamics, applied mathematics, socio- and econophysics)
Division 12(Soft Matter Physics, Chemical Physics, Biophysics)
Division 13 (physics education, history of physics, environmental physics) |
Division 1 (atomic and molecular physics, quantum electronics, radiation)
[For field of quantum electronics]
Choose the keyword of "quantum electronics" from the first keyword group. then choose one keyword from the second keyword group. If you choose "73" or "74" from the second group, choose suitable keywords (up to two) from the third keyword group in between the number from 101 to 108. In this case, your talk will be programmed in a quantum optics/quantum information session. If you choose "75 or 76" from the second group, choose suitable keywords (up to two) from the third keyword group in between the number from 109 to 121. The keyword in the third group corresponds to the name of the session we will have. |
[For field of atomic and molecular physics, or field of radiation physics]
Choose one keyword from the first keyword group and up to three from the second keyword group. When your first keyword is "joint session," you can choose keywords from either "field of atomic and molecular physics"or "field of radiation physics. |
*The first group of key words
1. atomic and molecular physics
2. radiation physics
3. fusion session (atomic and molecular physics/radiation)
4. quantum electronics
*The second group of key words
(field of atomic and molecular physics )
11. general studies of atomic and molecular physics
12. structure of atoms, molecules, and ions
13. electron scattering with atoms, molecules, and ions
14. positron scattering with atoms, molecules, and ions
15. ion-molecule reactions
16. ion scattering with atoms, molecules, and ions
17. ion scattering with solid surfaces
18. highly charged ions
19. clusters
20. exotic atoms
21. instrumentation and techniques for atomic and molecular physics
22. atomic, molecular, and ion spectroscopy
23. few body systems
24. strong light field physics
25. synchrotron radiation, FEL
(field of radiation physics (radiation source))
26. electron beam
27. X-rays/gamma rays
28. ion beam (excluding swift heavy ions)
29. swift heavy ion/highly charged ion
30. neutrons
31. cluster beam/dust beam
32. positron/muon/radioisotope beam
33. pion/anti-proton
34. laser/light
35. non-ionizing radiation
36. exotic radiation
(field of radiation physics (target))
37. gas/atom/molecule
38. liquid/ice
39. clusters and fine particles
40. metals
41. semiconductors
42. insulators
43. glass/amorphous materials
44. polymer/organic materials
45. bio-molecules/bio-materials
46. nano-materials
(field of radiation physics (physical quantity/phenomenon detected))
47. stopping power and energy loss
48. secondary electron emission
49. secondary ion emission
50. charge transfer
51. cross-section
52. channeling
53. defects
54. radiation effects/radiation damage
55. atomic collisions in solids
56. high-density electronic excitation effects
57. ion-solid interaction
58. ion-surface interactions
59. ion-liquid interactions
60. ion-molecule interaction
61. relativistic effect
62. crystal field
(field of radiation physics (application))
63. ion beam analysis
64. radiation measurement
65. detector/detector materials/detection technique
66. imaging
67. material modification
68. capillary/interaction with insulators
69. experimental technique
70. general radiation physics
71. applications of radiation
72. new technique/new phenomenon
(field of Quantum electronics)
73. quantum optics/quantum information (theory)
74. quantum optics/quantum information (experiment)
75. quantum electronics theories other than those in 73
76. quantum electronics experiments other than those in 74
*The third group of key words (only for field of quantum electronics. Select keywords up to two in the order of priority.)
[for a person who chose 73 or 74 from the second keyword group]
101. quantum optics
102. quantum measurement
103. implementation of quantum computer/simulator
104. quantum information (theory)
105. superconductivity
106. spin/diamond
107. microcavity/hybrid quantum system
108. other quantum information
109. fundamental concepts
[for a person who chose 75 or 76 from the second keyword group]
110. general quantum electronics
111. lasers
112. frequency standards
113. optical comb/precision measurement
114. spectroscopy
115. ion traps
116. experiments on cooling and trapping of atoms/molecules/nano particles etc.
117. general theories of cold atoms/molecules/nano particles
118. many-body physics in quantum degenerate gases
119. few-body physics in cold atoms/molecules
120. superfluids
121. non-equilibrium phenomena in quantum degenerate gases
122. other quantum degenerate gas system
[for a person who wants to give a talk at the joint session of Division 5 (Optical properties of condensed matter)]
201. photonic band
202. near-field optics
[for a person who wants to give a talk at the joint session of Division 4 (Semiconductors, Mesoscopic Systems and Quantum Transport)]
203. semiconductor quantum information
[for a person who wants to give a talk at the joint session of Division 4, 5, and 11](The joint session will probably be held in the meeting room of Division 4.)
204. non-Hermitian system
To obtain more information about the joint sessions, please check the web page of Division, that mainly organizes the joint sessions.
Division 1 Website:
Division 2 (Plasma) |
Choose one keyword in each of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd keyword groups. Your talk may be programmed in a session different from your choice in the 1st keyword group without notice in the arrangement of the entire sessions. |
*The first group of key words (session)
1. basic plasma physics
2. plasma sciences (including plasma applications)
3. fusion plasmas
4. plasma astrophysics
*The second group of key words (research subject)
11. waves • heating • instabilities
12. transport and confinement (including turbulence • statistical properties, etc)
13. nonlinear phenomena (self-organization, chaos, turbulence, etc. )
14. atomic processes • spectroscopy • plasma diagnostics
15. high-energy-density physics
16. strongly coupled plasmas
17. plasma applications
18. discharge physics, ionization • plasma production, etc.
19. magnetic reconnection • particle acceleration • dynamo effects
20. numerical analyses, simulations
21. new trends in plasma physics
22. non-equilibrium and extreme state plasma
23. others
*The third group of key words (research area)
31. space plasmas • astronomical plasmas
32. basic plasmas
33. magnetic confinement fusion (toroidal systems, open systems, peripheral plasmas, including plasma-wall interactions)
34. inertial confinement fusion (laser fusion, etc.)
35. non-neutral plasmas, dusty plasmas and reactive plasmas
36. plasma sources, ion sources
37. intense-laser-produced plasmas (including relativistic plasmas, high energy photon transport)
38. plasma application devices (processing, accelerators, thrusters, oscillators, etc.)
39. others
Division 2 Website:
[Announcements] For information on the best student presentation award, the mailing list, and organized sessions, see the Division 2 Website. If you plan to join the joint sessions, write "Joint session D" or "Joint session E" in the abstract. |
Division 3 (Magnetism) |
Choose one proper key word from each of the first and second groups. The first digit of the second keyword number should be equal to the first keyword number (e.g. 1 → 11). The specification of third keywords is not mandatory. |
*The first group of key words (fields)
1. nanoscale magnetism
2. spintronics
3. magnetism of compounds
4. spin systems
5. frustrated magnets
6. experimental techniques
*The second group of key words (details)
11. surface and interface magnetism
12. magnetism of thin films and superlattices
13. nanoparticles magnetism
21. spin current
22. spin dynamics
23. magnetic and spin-dependent transport
24. spin texture
25. spin related phenomena
31. itinerant magnetism
32. magnetism of d-electron systems
33. magnetism of f-electron systems
34. chiral magnetism
35. multiferroics
36. low-carrier-density ferromagnetism
37. topological magnetism
41. quantum spin systems (1-D)
42. quantum spin systems (2-D)
43. quantum spin systems (clusters)
44. quantum spin systems (others)
45. spin systems (classic and random systems, others)
51. frustrated magnets (triangular lattice)
52. frustrated magnets (kagome lattice)
53. frustrated magnets (pyrochlore)
54. frustrated magnets (others)
61. magnetic resonances
62. Others
*The third group of key words (materials, phenomena, and methods)
100. transition-metal oxides
101. transition-metal compounds
102. transition metals and alloys
103. quasicrystals
104. magnetic semiconductors and insulators
105. rare-earth compounds and alloys
106. organic magnets
107. magnetic molecules and clusters
108. borides and carbides
109. composite materials
110. artificial nanoscale magnetism
111. new materials
112. theory
113. magnetization and magnetic susceptibilities
114. magnetic anisotropy and magnetostriction
115. NMR
116. ESR
117. neutron scattering
118. thermal properties
119. optical properties
120. electrical properties
121. magnetotransport
122. photoemission spectroscopy
123. X-rays and particle beams
124. tunneling spectroscopy
125. de Haas effects
126. ultrasonics
127. μSR
128. Mössbauer spectroscopy
129. nuclear properties
130. others
Note: Oral presentations with the following keywords are assigned to the joint sessions. For the entry, please mark the corresponding checkbox.
[Joint Session(s) with Division 8 (strongly correlated electron systems)]
35. multiferroics
[Joint Session(s) with Division 9 (Surfaces & Interfaces, Crystal growth)]
11. surfaces and interfaces
[Joint Session(s) with Division 11 (fundamental theory of condensed matter physics, statistical mechanics, fluid dynamics, applied mathematics, socio- and econophysics)]
(41-44) quantum spin systems (1-D, 2-D, clusters, and others), 5. frustrated magnets
Division 3 Website:
[Announcements] We are now accepting the best student presentation award at autumn meetings. For information on the activities of division 3, including the best student presentation award, the young scientist award, and the division 3 mailing list, see the Division 3 Website. |
Division 4 (semiconductors, mesoscopic systems and quantum transport) |
Choose a session name as Keyword 1. Next choose theory/experiment as Keyword 2. Then choose multiple keywords that you think are relevant to your presentation as Keywords 3-6. The session of your presentation will be determined based on the Keywords and Short Abstract. If you cannot find a suitable keyword, select "99" (others) and describe your keywords in your Short Abstract. You can also include requests to the committee. |
*Keyword 1 (session name, choose one)
1. semiconductor spintronics
2. quantum Hall effects
3. quantum dots
4. semiconductor quantum information
5. mesoscopic systems (quantum wires, small junctions, and localization)
6. quantum wells, superlattices, and optical responses
7. graphene, beyond graphene, and Dirac electrons
8. 2D or layered materials
9. topological materials (insulators, superconductors, semimetals, etc.)
10. non-Hermitian systems
*Keyword 2 (choose one)
21. theory
22. experiment
*Keywords 3-6 (multiple choice)
31. magnetic semiconductors
32. nuclear spins
34. spin current and spin-dependent transport
33. spin-orbit interaction
35. integer quantum Hall effect
36. fractional quantum Hall effect
37. electronic correlation
38. qubits and quantum information
39. quantum wires and nanowires
40. small junctions and mesoscopic superconductors
41. Anderson localization and transition
42. impurities and defects
43. diffusive transport and ballistic transport
44. transport phenomena
45. quantum wells
46. superlattices
47. optical responses
48. excitons
49. superconductivity
50. Majorana particles
51. band structure
52. nanotubes
53. transition-metal dichalcogenides
54. atomic layers and layered materials
55. surface states (edge, corner, and skin effect)
56. Dirac and Weyl semimetals
57. new materials
99. others (describe in the Short Abstract)
Note: Oral presentations with the following keywords may be assigned to the joint sessions.
4. semiconductor quantum information: Division 1.
7. graphene, beyond graphene, and Dirac electrons: Division 7.
9. topological materials (insulators, superconductors, semimetals etc.): Divisions 7, 8, and 9.
10. non-Hermitian systems: Divisions 1, 5, and 11. |
Division 5 (Optical properties of condensed matter) |
Choose one proper key word from each of the first, the second and the third groups. Three key words have to be selected. The program will be organized according to all key words. |
*The first group of key words (Methodology in spectroscopy)
1. Theory, Calculations
2. Time-resolved measurements
3. Static measurements
4. New light sources, New methods in spectroscopy
5. Photoemission spectroscopy, Inverse-photoemission spectroscopy
6. Absorption spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation, vacuum ultraviolet light, or X-ray (MCD included)
7. X-ray emission spectroscopy, X-ray scattering
8. Spectromicroscopy(Microspectroscopy), Near-field spectroscopy
*The second group of key words (Physical phenomena)
11. Non-Hermitian systems, Nonreciprocity
12. Optical-electric-field-driven phenomena
13. Photo-induced phase transitions
14. Excitons, Polaritons, Luminescence
15. Strong coupling, Vacuum field
16. Optical vortex, Orbital angular momentum
17. Quantum entanglement
18. Biology, Life phenomena
19. Optical functionalities, Applied physics
20. Manybody interactions, Quantum condensations
21. Energy bands
22. Conduction characteristics, Proton translocations
23. Electronic state changes
24. Molecular diffusions
25. Spintronics, Magnetic excitations
26. Phononics, Phonon excitations
27. Plasmonics
28. Nonlinear optics, Electric field enhancements
29. Topology, Berry phases
30. Impurities, Defects, Localized center
*The third group of key words (Materials)
41. Semiconductors, Dielectric compounds, Insulators
42. Low-dimensional materials, Fine particles, Nanocrystals, Surfaces
43. Topological insulators, Weyl semimetals
44. Superconductors
45. Strongly correlated systems, Molecular crystals
46. Magnetic compounds, Magnetic semiconductors
47. Superionic conductors, Ionic conductors
48. Photonic crystals, Metamaterials
49. New materials
50. Others
Memos : Keyword No. 13 (Photo-induced phase transitions) can be assigned to the joint session with the keyword No. 42 (photoinduced phase transitions) of Division 7 (field of molecular solids and organic conductors). For the entry, please indicate "joint session with Division 7" in the abstract. Keywords No. 48 (Photonic crystals, Metamaterials) and No. 8 (Spectromicroscopy(Microspectroscopy), Near-field spectroscopy) will be assigned respectively to the joint session with the keywords No. 201 (photonic band) and No. 202 (near-field optics) of Division 1 (field of quantum electronics). Poster session will be also organized. See D(b) and G(1) for details.
Division 5 Website:
[Announcements] For information on Student Presentation Award of the Physical Society of Japan, see the Division 5 Website. |
Division 6 (metal physics [liquid metals, quasicrystals], low temperature physics [ultralow temperatures, superconductivity, density waves)
Select keywords only from the field where you want to talk.
field of metal physics [liquid metals, quasicrystals]
Select only one keyword from Family #1. You can select another two keywords from Family #2 and #3 if necessary.
*Family #1 (substances etc.)
1. liquid metals
2. liquid semiconductors
3. liquid mixtures
4. molten salts
5. molecular liquids
6. ionic liquids
7. amorphous solids
8. intermetallic compounds
9. crystals
10. quasicrystals
11. clusters
12. modulated structure, complex structure
13. quasiperiodic systems
14. others
*Family #2 (phenomena)
15. static structure
16. dynamic structure
17. electronic structure
18. electrical conduction
19. thermal conduction
20. diffusion
21. viscosity
22. relaxation phenomena
23. phase transitions
24. phase diagrams
25. interfaces and wetting
26. phase separation and critical phenomena
27. self-similarity
28. supercritical fluids
29. magnetic properties
30. superconductivity
31. glass transitions
32. supercooling phenomena
33. metal-nonmetal transition
34. others
*Family #3 (methods)
35. diffraction, (X-ray, neutron, electron)
37. electron microscopy
38. electron spectroscopy
39. Compton scattering
40. positron annihilation
41. X-ray absorption spectroscopy
42. quasi-elastic and inelastic neutron scattering
43. quasi-elastic and inelastic X-ray scattering
44. small angle scattering
45. mass spectrometry and mass separation
46. light scattering (Raman, Brillouin, absorption)
47. ultrasonic measurement
48. specific heat
49. density
50. extreme conditions (high temperatures, high pressures, low temperatures, high magnetic fields etc. )
51. development of experimental techniques
52. Computer modeling and simulation
53. liquid theory
54. band structure calculation
55. theory
56. others
field of low temperature physics [ultra low temperatures] Select keywords up to three in the order of priority.
57. restricted geometry
58. low dimensional systems
59. quantum solids
60. quantum fluids
61. electron
62. He-3
63. He-4
64. He3-He4 mixtures
65. nuclear magnetism
66. vortices
67. superfluid, Bose Einstein condensation
68. quantum hydrodynamics
69. macroscopic quantum tunneling
70. low temperature physics
71. low temperature techniques
72. others
field of low temperature physics [superconductivity and density waves] Select each one keyword from each Family #1, #2, and #3. You may add one or two from the whole if necessary.
*Family #1 (fields)
73. experiment on superconductivity
74. theory on superconductivity
75. experiment on density wave
76. theory on density wave
77. others
*Family #2 (substances, structure)
78. bulk materials and 3D systems
79. single crystals
80. thin films
81. multilayer films
82. 2D systems
83. wires (including quantum wires) and 1D systems
84. network
85. topological structures
86. junctions
87. interfaces
88. surfaces
89. nanoscale structures
90. mesoscopic structures
91. dot structures and 0D systems
92. electric double-layers
93. wire materials
94. atomic-layer materials
95. others
*Family #3 (research theme)
96. novel superconductivity
97. topological superconductivity
98. odd-frequency superconductivity
99. anisotropic superconductivity
100. mechanism for superconductivity
101. mechanism of Tc increase
102. nonequilibrium systems and dynamics
103. macroscopic quantum phenomena
104. coexistence of competing orders
105. localization and superconductor-insulator transition
106. quantum phase transitions
107. transport phenomena and flux flow
108. Majorana fermions
109. electron crystals
110. vortices
111. topological defects
112. Josephson effect
113. proximity effect
114. extreme conditions
115. carrier control
116. self-organization
117. quantum dot
118. devices
119. imaging
120. spectroscopy
121. Fermi surface effects
122. SQUID technologies (including digital technologies)
123. experimental techniques
124. iron-based superconductors
125. high-temperature superconductivity
126. multi-band superconductivity
127. electronic states
128. fluctuations
129. superconducting spintronics
130. spin-orbit interaction
131. phase diagram
132. collective excitations
133. pinning effect and critical current
134. sample growth and materials development
135. cryogenic detectors
136. scattering and diffraction
137. simulations
138. computational methods
139. others
Division 6 Website:
[Announcements] Division 6 will offer an award for excellent oral presentations given by students. If you are a student, enter your course and year [ex. (Doctoral course, 3rd)] at the beginning of the short abstract at the registration. |
Division 7 (molecular solids) |
Select at least one keyword from each of the first, second and third keyword groups, but please note that the total number of selected keywords must be 6 or less. The keyword(s) from the first group should be selected carefully and put at the top of your keyword list, because this will take priority for the program arrangement. |
*The first group of keywords (materials)
1. ET (BEDT-TTF compounds and related materials)
3. metal-based organic conductors/π-d electron systems (MX4 salts, metal dmit complexes, etc.)
4. metal-bridged chains/coordination polymers(MX, MMX, etc.)
5. organic conductors other than those in (1)-(4) (TTF-TCNQ, novel asymmetric donor molecules, etc.)
6. conductive polymers/conjugated polymers
7. fullerenes
8. nanotubes
9. graphene and related materials
10. graphite
11. clusters
12. cage compounds/network materials (clathrate compounds, zeolite, etc.)
13. surfaces and interfaces of organic materials
14. LB films
15. molecular magnets
16. molecular solids
17. new materials
18. devices of molecules and molecular interfaces
19. other materials
*The second group of keywords (phenomena and subjects)
20. SDW/CDW/spin-Peierls states
21. superconductivity/anisotropic superconductivity
22. electronic structure (Fermi surface/band structure, etc.)
23. carrier doping/band filling
24. surface/interface pi-electron systems
25. molecular devices
26. quantum effects
27. nonlinear excitations
28. strong correlation
29. electron-phonon interaction/lattice vibration
30. metal-insulator transition
31. neutral-ionic transition
32. charge ordering
33. Mott transition
34. Topological properties
35. other phase transitions/critical phenomena
36. electrical resistance/magnetoresistance/Hall effect
37. nonlinear conduction
38. properties under high pressure
39. anisotropic deformation
40. hydrostatic pressure
41. magnetism
42. optical properties
43. photoinduced phase transitions
44. structure
45. thermal properties
46. thermoelectric effect
47. acoustic properties
48. new properties
49. other properties
*The third group of keywords (methods of study)
50. structure analysis
51. transport measurements
52. spectroscopy
53. magnetism/magnetic resonance
54. thermal measurements
55. experiments (general/all)
56. theories/calculations
57. material developments
58. FET/other molecular devices
59. other methods
Note: Keyword No. (42) photoinduced phase transitions is assigned to the joint session with Division 5 (Optical properties of condensed matter). If you prefer the joint session, type "joint session with Division 5" in the abstract.
Note: For the convenience of the speakers and audience, joint session(s) with Division 9 may flexibly be set by assorting related talks.
Note: Joint session with Division 4 may be set for presentations on graphene and related topics.
Note: Presentations choosing Keywords (21) superconductivity/anisotropic superconductivity, (28) strong correlation, (30) metal-insulator transition, (33) Mott transition, (34) other phase transitions/critical phenomena, and those choosing (23) carrier doping/band filling (24) surface/interface pi-electron systems are respectively assigned to joint sessions with Division 8. Type any of the following: "a) prefer, b) do not prefer, or c) no preference for, Division 7&8 joint session", in the abstract.
Note: The presentations attaching the keyword "(34) Topological properties" or the ones on the related topics may be assigned to the joint session(s) with Division 4, 8, and 9. |
Division 8 (Strongly Correlated Electron Systems) |
Research fields :
High-temperature cuprate superconductors, heavy fermions, transition metal oxides, etc.
1. Select one keyword from each category, C1, C2, C3, and C4.
2. You can choose up to two more keywords from all categories.
Example: "C1: (2); C2: (22); C3: (41); C4: (64), (74), (75)."
Category and keywords: |
*C1 : Research fields
1. p electron system
2. 3d electron system
3. 4d, 5d electron system
4. 4f electron system
5. 5f electron system
6. theory (talk in a theory session)
7. others
*C2 : Research field details
11. cuprates superconductors
12. iron-based superconductors
13. BiS2-based superconductors
14. Ce-based superconductors
15. U-based superconductors
16. other superconductors
17. frustrated magnetism
18. multiferroics
19. spin liquid
20. skyrmion
21. other magnetism
22. phase transitions and critical phenomena
23. Mott transitions
24. charge ordering
25. orbital degrees of freedom
26. strongly correlated electron devices
27. heavy fermions
28. multipole ordering
29. valence fluctuations
30. Kondo insulators
31. thermoelectric materials
32. phonons
33. topological matter
34. Cross-correlation phenomenon
35. excitonic insulators
36. vortex matter
37. new material search
38. development of instruments
39. others
*C3 : Materials
41. titanium compounds
42. vanadium compounds
43. manganese compounds
44. iron compounds
45. cobalt compounds
46. copper compounds
47. ruthenium compounds
48. iridium compounds
49. other transition metal compounds
50. pyrochlores and spinels
51. carbides and borides
52. organic compounds
53. cage compounds
54. Ce based compounds
55. Pr based compounds
56. Yb based compounds
57. other rare earth compounds
58. actinide compounds
59. others
*C4 : Methods, Research subjects
61. theory
62. magnetic resonances and Moessbauer effects
63. neutron, X-ray and other beam techniques
64. optical spectroscopy
65. photoemission spectroscopy
66. tunneling spectroscopy
67. ultrasound, high-frequency, and electromagnetic measurements
68. transport, magnetic, and thermal measurements
69. substitution and impurity effects
70. pressure effects
71. magnetic field effects
72. electric field effects
73. pairing symmetry and mechanism of superconductivity
74. pseudo-gap and spin gap
75. stripes ordering
76. tunnel effect and Josephson effect
77. mixed states, flux line and vortex states
78. GMR and CMR
79. energy band and fermiology
80. magnetic structures and excitations
81. others
Note: Input your presentation title precisely. Follow the "JPS Format" when describing subscripts and superscripts (e.g. H_2_O, x^2^). For advanced expressions, use the LaTeX commands.
Note: Presentations attached to the following keywords can be assigned to the joint session with Division 7: (22) phase transitions and critical phenomena; (23) Mott transitions; (72) electric field effects; (73) pairing symmetry and mechanism of superconductivity. Please indicate the following in your abstract: "a) prefer, b) not prefer, or c) no preference, for the joint session of Divisions 7 & 8.
Note: Oral presentations attached to Keyword "(18) multiferroics" are assigned to the joint session with Division 3.
Note: Oral presentations attached to Keyword "(33) Topological Matter" can be assigned to joint sessions with Divisions 4,7 and 9. Please indicate the following in your abstract: "a) prefer, b) not prefer, or c) no preference, for the joint session of Divisions 4, 7, 8 & 9". |
Division 9 (Surfaces & Interfaces, Crystal Growth) |
Select one or two keywords from the 1st group. The sessions will be organized mainly on the basis of the 1st group. Select one keyword from the 2nd group. Multiple keywords can be chosen in the 3rd group. |
* 1st Keywords (Subject, One or two keywords)
1. Crystal growth
2. Electronic properties
3. Structural properties
4. Nanoscale quantum properties
5. Surface physical chemistry
6. Dynamics
7. Magnetism of surfaces & interfaces
8. Atomic-layer material science
9. Topological properties
10. Tribology
11. Informatics
* 2nd Keywords (Method, One keyword)
21. Scanning probe microscopy
22. Electron microscopy/Other imaging
23. Spectroscopy
24. Diffraction/Scattering
25. Transport
26. In-situ observation/Time-resolved observation
27. Mass spectrometry
28. Theory/Simulation
29. Machine learning
30. Interdisciplinary
* 3rd Keywords (Target, Multiple keywords)
41. Graphene/2D materials
42. Topological materials
43. Nanotubes/Nanowires
44. Quantum dots/Nanoclusters
45. Soft matters/Polymers
46. Water/Ice
47. Liquid
48. Organic materials
49. Metallic materials
50. Semiconductor materials
51. Magnetic materials
52. Thermoelectric materials
53. Catalyst materials
54. Battery materials
55. Hydrides/Hydrogen storage materials
56. Electronic materials
57. Spintronic materials
71. Single atom/Single molecule manipulation
72. Adsorption/Reaction/Desorption
73. Molecule vibration/Phonon
74. Atom/Ion diffusion
75. Thin film formation/Self-organization
76. Surface reconstruction
77. Phase transition
78. Nucleation
79. Dissolution/Precipitation
80. Growth control
81. Photo-induced phenomena/Optical functions
82. Active site
83. Superconductivity
84. Quantum confinement/Band control
85. Spin polarization
86. Bulk-edge correspondence
Note: Oral presentations with Keyword (7) "Magnetism of surfaces & interfaces" will be automatically incorporated in a joint session with Division 3 with Keyword "Surfaces and interfaces".
Note: Joint sessions with Divisions 4, 7 and 8 may be held for oral presentations with Keyword (9) "Topological properties".
Note: Joint sessions with other divisions will be flexibly held when they are beneficial for the presenters and audiences.
Division 10 (structural property(dielectrics, ferroelectricity,lattice defects and nanostructures, phononic properties, and X-ray and particle beams)) |
Select the first keyword from the first group for specifying the session where you want to give your presentation. Select at least one second keyword and one third keyword. The second keyword(s) must be from the second group of the session specified by the first keyword. You may select the third keyword(s) from the third group or from the second group of other sessions. |
*First group of keywords (session)
1. dielectrics
2. lattice defects and nanostructure
3. phononic properties
4. X-ray and particle beams
*Second group of keywords
[dielectrics and ferroelectricity]
[Materials and research subjects]
5. oxides
6. nitrides
7. halides
8. mixed-anion compounds
9. perovskite-type compounds
10. glasses and amorphous materials
11. hydrogen-bonded compounds
12. framework compounds
13. van der Waals ferroelectrics
14. organic ferroelectrics
15. hybrid perovskite
16. relaxors
17. multiferroics and ferroic-ordering
18. thin films and multilayered films
19. other materials
20. local strcuture
21. order-disorder
22. domains
23. phase transition
24. photo-induced property
25. crtical phenomenon
26. sruface and interface properties
27. thermal transport phenomenon
28. energy storage system
29. optical effects and optical properties
30. electric-field effect/electronic properties
[lattice defects and nanostructures]
31. simulation
32. metals
33. semiconductors
34. surface and interface
35. fine particle
36. dislocations and plane defects
37. theories and experiments of electronic states
38. point defects and radiation damages
39. hydrogen
40. carbon materials
[phononic properties]
41. phonon theory
42. phonon experiment
[X-ray and particle beams]
43. X-rays
44. electrons
45. positrons
46. neutrons
47. muons
48. other particle beams
49. XFEL
*Third group of keywords
51. theory
52. synthesis of new materials
53. ceramics
54. crystals
55. quasicrystals
56. liquid and gas
57. superlattice
58. incommensurate phase
59. glass transition
60. diffusion and relaxation phenomena
61. dynamics
62. physical properties of impurities
63. mechanical properties
64. spectroscopy
65. positron annihilation
66. momentum distribution
67. magnetism
68. ferroelectricity
69. ferroelasticity
70. ultrasonic waves
71. nonlinear optics
72. structural analysis
73. hyper-ordered structures
74. diffraction, scattering and interference
75. imaging techniques
76. microscopy
77. holography
78. tomography
79. time-resolved measurements
80. inelastic scattering
81. PDF
82. characterization of condensed matters
83. nuclear solid state physics
84. high pressures
86. instrumentation
87. data analysis methods
88. transport phenomena
89. nano-particles
90. light scattering
91. dielectric dispersion
92. ammonium sulfate family, TGS family
93. acoustic phonon
94. phonon waveguide
95. phonon polariton
96. anharmonicity
97. lattice dynamics
98. elastic constants
99. mechanical resonance spectroscopy
100. phononic crystals, phononic metamaterials
101. nano phononics
102. phonon structure
103. rattling
104. phonon laser
105. elastic waves
106. simulation
107. materials informatics
108. computational science
109. electron-phonon coupling
110. phonon-phonon coupling
111. photon-phonon coupling
112. spin-phonon coupling
113. others
Note: If you prefer joint session between division 10 ( lattice defects and nanostructure) and division 9 (sufraces/interface, crystal growth), please choose the first keyword "(2) lattice defects and nanostructure" and specify "joint session between division 10 and 9"in your abstract.
If you prefer joint session between division 10 (X-ray and particle beams) and division 1 (atomic and molecular physics), please choose the first keyword "(4) X-ray and particle beams" and specify "joint session between division 10 and 1"in your abstract.
Note: Presentations choosing Keyword (45) positron, (46) neutron, and (47) muon are assigned to the joint session with beam physics. If you prefer the joint session, please specify "joint session between division 10 and beam physics" in your abstract. Even if you don't prefer, it could be assigned to the joint session.
Note: Presentations choosing the third Keyword (73) "hyper-ordered structures" are assigned to a hyper-ordered structures session (a joint session within Division 10).
Division 11(fundamental theory of condensed matter physics, statistical mechanics, fluid dynamics, applied mathematics, socio- and econophysics) |
Choose three keywords: one from the first group, one from the second, and one from the third. The sessions will be organized mainly on the basis of the first keyword, with the second and third ones taken into account when necessary. The authors should choose their keywords carefully, as an inappropriate choice may result in unintended consequences in the session organization.
(field of statistical mechanics and fundamental theory of condensed matter physics)
*The first group of key words (models and systems)
1. spin glasses and random magnets
2. classical frustrated systems
3. classical spin systems in general
4. quantum spin systems and boson systems
5. electronic systems
6. cold atoms
7. quantum chaos
8. foundations of quantum theory
9. non-Hermitian systems (Joint session with Division 1,4, 5 available)
10. other quantum mechanical systems
11. neural networks (including neuron models)
12. complex networks
13. biological and ecological systems (Joint session with Division 12)
14. social physics (including languages and game theory)
15. econophysics
16. statistical mechanics of information processing
17. dynamical systems (conservative systems)
18. reaction-diffusion systems
19. oscillator systems
20. active matter (Joint session with Division 12)
21. dynamimcal systems (many body systems)
22. stochastic processes (including percolations)
23. granular materials and traffic flows
24. friction and earthquakes
25. quantum dynamics, quantum thermodynamics
26. stochastic thermodynamics, entropy
27. nonequilibrium systems (transport phenomena, phase transitions, etc.)
28. classical many-body systems (thermodynamics, phase, structures, etc.)
29. glassy systems (Joint session with Division 6 & 12)
30. other systems
*The second group of key words (phenomena)
31. phase diagram and phase transitions at equilibrium
32. quantum phase transitions
33. entanglement
34. level statistics and semiclassical theory
35. relaxation, hysteresis, response and transport phenomena
36. transition phenomena in nonequilibrium systems
37. fluctuation in nonequilibrium systems
38. nonlinear phenomena
39. fractals
40. empirical statistical laws (power-law, etc.)
41. society and economy
42. learning and associative memory
43. evolution, adaptation and extinction
44. image processing and optimization
45. development of methods
46. chaos in systems with a few degrees of freedom (including bifurcation)
47. chaos in systems with many degrees of freedom
48. pattern formation, fracture mechanics, self-organization, and boundary motions
49. convection and turbulence
50. other phenomena
*The third group of key words (methods)
51. exact solutions
52. perturbation theory
53. variational methods
54. first-principles calculation
55. tensor networks
56. other analytical methods
57. other phenomenological analysis
58. numerical diagonalization
59. Monte Carlo simulations
60. molecular dynamics simulations
61. other numerical calculations
62. experiments
63. data analyses and visualization
(field of applied mathematics, mechanics, and fluid dynamics)
*The first group of key words (models and systems)
64. classical and quantum integrable systems
65. discrete systems (including ultra-discrete systems and cellular automata)
66. dynamical systems and related topics
67. numerical algorithms
68. other mathematical models
69. rigid and elastic bodies
70. complex fluids (including non-Newtonian, multicomponent and multiphase fluids, etc.)
71. incompressible fluids
72. compressible fluids and rarefied gases
73. electromagnetic fluids
74. thermal fluids
75. geophysical and astrophysical fluids (including rotating and stratified fluids)
*The second group of key words (phenomena)
76. symmetry and conservation laws
77. solitons
78. Painleve properties
79. waves (including nonlinear, acoustic and shock waves)
80. turbulence
81. chaos
82. stability (including bifurcation and transitions)
83. transport and diffusion phenomena
84. self-organization (including ordered structure and pattern formation, etc.)
85. creeping flows
86. flows around a body or bodies
87. vortex motions
88. free-boundary motions (excluding wave motions)
*The third group of key words (methods)
89. exact solutions and analytical approaches
90. numerical simulations
91. perturbation theory, approximation theory, and modeling
92. experiments
93. visualization
Division 12(Soft Matter Physics, Chemical Physics, Biophysics) |
Select a single keyword from each of the first and second groups, and multiple choices are allowed for the third groups. The sessions will be organized according to the keyword from the first group. If the keyword 2, 3, or 4 is selected as the first keyword, select a single keyword from keywords 6〜22 and write down the number in the column for the third keyword. |
*1st group
1. Supercooled liquids and glasses
2. Photosynthesis and photobiology
3. Simulation methods
4. Biomembranes
5. Active matter
(Soft Matter)
6. Polymers
7. Colloidal dispersions
8. Amphiphilic molecules
9. Liquid crystals
10. Structure and rheology
11. General (Soft matter physics)
(Chemical Physics)
12. Quantum systems, electronic states, and chemical reactions
13. Optical response and light scattering
14. Solutions, liquids, and solvation
15. General (Chemical physics)
16. Biomolecules
17. Cells, tissues, and organs
18. Individuals and ecological systems
19. Network systems
20. General (Biophysics)
*2nd group
21. Experiment
22. Theory
23. Simulation
24. Data analysis
*3rd group
25. Physical properties of solids
26. Crystal growth, crystallization, and melting
27. Structure and pattern formation
28. Phase separation
29. Phase transitions
30. Liquid-liquid transitions
31. Glass transitions
32. Aging
33. Jamming transitions
34. Wetting
35. Adhesion
36. Fracture
37. Sols and gels
38. Suspension
39. Interface
40. Thin films
41. Biomatter
42. Relaxation phenomena
43. Dielectric relaxation
44. Hydrogen bonding
45. X-ray scattering and neutron scattering
46. NMR and ESR
47. Dynamic heterogeneity
48. Diffusion and transport
49. Collective motion
50. Self-organization
51. Clusters
52. Nonlinearity
53. Nonequilibrium
54. Molecular structure
55. Excited states
56. Nonadiabatic transition
57. Electron transfer reaction
58. Proton transfer
59. Photoreactions
60. Folding
61. Fluctuation and conformational change
62. Structure and function
63. Molecular motors
64. Single molecule observations and manipulations
65. Bioimaging
66. Biomechanics
67. Biological rhythms
68. Biological signal transduction
69. Neuron and brain
70. Development and differentiation
71. Metabolism and behavior
72. Heredity, evolution, and origin of life
73. Radiobiology
74. Mathematical biology
75. Mesoscale dynamics
76. Molecular simulation
77. Hydrodynamic simulation method
78. Bioinformatics
79. Microorganisms
Division 13 (physics education, history of physics, environmental physics) |
Select one keyword from each of the first (research fields) and second (classification of session) groups of key words. The first keyword has to be selected. |
*The first group of key words
1. physics education
2. history of physics
3. environmental physics
*The second group of key words
(field of physics education)
4. curriculum, research and development
5. teaching materials, research and development
6. instructions, teaching methods and strategies
7. learning theory, cognitive science in physics education
8. educational assessment
9. teaching activity evaluation, educational evaluation
10. elementary and secondary education
11. higher education
12. teacher training, teacher education
13. social education
14. general
(history of physics)
15. philosophy and ideas
16. internal history of physics
17. social history of physics
18. historical documents and instruments
19. others
(environmental physics)
20. methodology, thermophysical view, statistical physical view, others
21. earth system, materials cycle, life system, entropy
22. energy, natural resources, ecomaterials
23. electromagnetic waves, radiation, atomic energy, waste materials, environmental pollution
24. environmental technology, environmental assessment, environmental policy
25. environmental education, history of the environment, scientific literacy
26. others