Please fill in the following necessary columns, then click the button below. Columns with (*) must be completed.
Participant Information
  Last Name First Name
ex.) Kogaku

ex.) Taro
If you are a freelancer, please input "-" (hyphen) into the column.
Zip code*
Phone Number*
E-mail* The confirmation of registration will be sent to this e-mail address.

Please input e-mail address again for confirmation.
Membership ID*
Those who applying to become a member of the society are requested to input "99999" in the "Membership ID" column.

Registration Category
  Participation fee
Participation fee*
Includes Program book.

After 5:00 pm on February 22th, when the early bird discount period ends, the price will change to the regular price.
Welcome Reception*
Please note that it is not possible to request participation in the Welcome Reception after this registration. Only participants of the annual conference are eligible to attend.

Welcome Reception venue: Seijo University, Corporate Affairs Office, University Cafeteria Building, Student Cafeteria. (https://www.seijo.ac.jp/about/map/)
※Maximum number of participants: 300. Registration on a first-come, first-served basis.

Lunch Box (with tea)*
Please note that it is not possible to request lunch box after this registration. Only participants of the annual conference are eligible to make requests.

The deadline for ordering lunch box is Friday, February 28th.

Payment Information
The confirmation mail of registration will be sent to those who selected Postal Transfer. Please make payment procedures for the total amount of registration fee.
Payment Method*