Venue Map

[Sapporo Campus]


【General Reception】

There will be no general reception for this meeting. There is no on-site registration, so only those who have registered in advance or after the deadline should print and bring their "participation ticket" and come directly to the venue.

【Meeting Headquarters】

The meeting headquarters will be located in W102, the Humanities and Social Sciences Integrated Education and Research Building (1st Floor of WA venue).

【Baggage Storage Counter】

Baggage storage will not be provided at this meeting.

【Internet Access】

There is no internet facilities prepared for participants at the venue, so please be sure to prepare with yourself if you need it. If you have an eduroam account, you can connect to the wireless LAN.

【Cafeteria / Shops】

【In case of Emergency Occurrence】

Please contact the meeting headquarters

【About Smoking】

Smoking is prohibited inside the campus, and there are no designated smoking areas. Thank you for your cooperation.

【Car Parking Space】

No cars are allowed. No parking spaces are available in the vicinity of the university.
If you wish to park your car for special reasons, such as for the disabled or handicapped person, please notify the meeting headquarters in advance.

【Wheelchair Users Accessibility】

The lecture rooms are accessible for wheelchairs (excluding some areas).
If you need assistance, please contact the meeting headquarters.

【Nursery/Childcare Room (Advance reservation required)】

A childcare room will be set up during the meeting for those who made a reservation in advance.
Please refer to the meeting website if you wish to use the nursery/childcare services.

【Corporate Exhibits (Equipment, Books, and Career Path Exhibits)】

Exhibitions by companies and others will be held at the corporate exhibition halls during the meeting. For details, please refer to page no.5.

【Citizen Science Lecture】

A citizen science lecture entitled 「森羅万象を解く」 will be held on Monday, September 16th (a national holiday) in the Hokkaido University Exchange Center Large Auditorium.


Use of classrooms other than the venue, use of the venue of informal meetings and any other unauthorized use of the venue and the university campus is prohibited.

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