• Session No.100 Driver Comfort
  • October 23Sakura Hall 115:55-18:00
  • Chair: Akinari Hirao (Shibaura Institute of Technology)
No. Title・Author (Affiliation)

Relationship between Sensory Evaluation and Body Behavior in Braking During Autonomous Driving

Shoichiro Takehara (Sophia University)・Masanori Matsuoka (Advics)

It is necessary to realize safe and comfortable automatic driving functions. This study aims to elucidate the relationship between human sensibility and posture-holding behavior for braking during automatic driving. In this paper, we classify experimental participants by performing cluster analysis on the results of sensory evaluation, and investigate their preference for braking by comparing the tendency of posture-holding behavior and psychological evaluation for each group.


A Study on the Impact of Visual Information on the Comfort Evaluation of Driver's Seat

Ryo Kamae・Manato Furuta (Kyoto Institute of Technology)・Tetsuya Kitagawa・Ryuji Furumai (Fuji Seat)・Yukiko Nishizaki (Kyoto Institute of Technology)

The evaluation of the comfort of driver seats has traditionally been based on information obtained from tactile information. However, humans integrate multiple sensory inputs to make such evaluations. This study aims to investigate how visual information influences comfort assessments. Using virtual reality to visually present different vehicle interiors, it was revealed that the comfort of the same driver seat varies.


Optimization and Validation of Seat Factors for Fatigue Reduction using a Musculoskeletal Simulator

Ryotaro Yoshida・Shinya Okamoto・Hisato Fukuda (Gunma University)・Tsutomu Iwase・Toshihiko Kozai (Gunma University / SUBARU)・Nobuaki Nakazawa (Gunma University)・Masaaki Sakamoto (Takasaki University of Health and Welfare)・Kyohei Uchikata・Hikaru Fushimi・Masami Handa (SUBARU)

The purpose of this paper is to optimize seat factors for the development of a car seat with less fatigue. The musculoskeletal simulator was used to analyze the muscular activity exerted when the important seat factors selected in a previous study were varied, and the optimization of each seat factor was performed under static and dynamic conditions. Sensory evaluation experiments were conducted to validate the analysis results.


Study and Establishment of Method for Evaluating Cabin Air Quality in Large Vehicles
-Measurement of VOCs Emitted from Large Bus Air Conditioning Equipment by Instrumental Analysis-

Kazuhisa Uchiyama (Tokai Technology Center)・Kengo Kii (J-BUS)・Katsuhiro Kan・Takuma Kizu (Isuzu Motors)・Nanae Iwabuchi (ESPEC)・Hidechika Matsui・Hiroshi Niwa (Tokai Technology Center)・Kouichi Tatsu (Isuzu Motors)

The analysis of VOCs in large vehicles, especially large bus air-conditioning systems, has been difficult due to their large size.
In this report, we describe the process of GC-MS analysis of VOCs emitted from a bus air-conditioning equipment using an active sampling method in a large thermostatic chamber.


Basic Study of Visual Communication Technology for Indoor Environments on Public Transportation

Jun Sakaguchi (University of Niigata Prefecture)・Naohide Shinohara (Isuzu Motors)・Kouichi Tatsu (AIST)

This study focuses on visual communication technology using digital signage to display the results of measurements for parameters such as temperature, humidity, suspended particulate matter concentration, carbon dioxide concentration, and illuminance inside public transportation cabins.
Furthermore, a web-based survey and a survey using IoT terminals are conducted to collect public transportation users' declarations about the indoor environment, and the response methods are compared.

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