• Session No.114 VOC I
  • October 24Meeting Room 39:30-11:10
  • Chair: Yoshiichi Ozeki (Asahi Glass)
No. Title・Author (Affiliation)

Ventilation Performance of BEV Route Bus

Koichi Tatsu (Isuzu Motors / AIST)・Naohide Shinohara (AIST)・Jyun Sakaguchi (University of Niigata Prefecture)・Hoon Kim (National Institute of Public Health)・Naoki Kagi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

We have been developing an aerosol filter as an effective infection control measure for public transportation. However, the introduction of aerosol filters is expensive, so they are not widely used. Therefore, we conducted a verification of effects other than infection control. We will also report on the ventilation performance of Japan's first BEV route bus equipped with this aerosol filter as standard equipment.


Particle Reduction by using Medium Performance Filters in Public Transportation Vehicles and Identification of Collected Particles

Naohide Shinohara (AIST)・Kazuhiro Hashimoto (FCG Research Institute)・Jun Sakaguchi (University of Niigata Prefecture)・Koichi Tatsu (Isuzu Motors)・Hoon Kim (National Institute of Public Health)・Takashi Nishitani (Japan Vilene)・Kento Takami (TOYOBO MC)

We evaluated the effectiveness of medium-performance filters to reduce particles in the cabin indoor air and their performance changes over time when the filters were installed in the air conditioning of buses. We also identified and quantified the particles (metals, microorganisms, etc.) collected by the filters after using in actual operation.


Comprehensive Risk Screening for Chemicals in Car Indoor Environment based on qNTA

Masahiro Tokumura・Sota Sakai・Takeshi Enomoto (University of Shizuoka)・Kouichi Tatsu (University of Shizuoka / Isuzu Motors)・Naohide Shinohara (AIST)・Masakazu Makino (University of Shizuoka)

A variety of chemical substances are emitted from automobile interior materials, and there is concern about the health effects caused by these substances. In this study, a comprehensive risk assessment method for chemical substances in car indoor environment was investigated by combining quantitative non-target analysis (qNTA) of chemical substances with a method for predicting toxicity potentials.


Study on Quantitative Analysis of VOCs in the Air of Vehicle Cabin using Passive Sampling (Part2)
-Study on Quantitative Evaluation of 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol-

Kunihiro Hoshino (ENV Sciences Trading)・Koichi Tatsu (Isuzu Motors)・Masahiro Tokumura (University of Shizuoka)

We have reported that quantitative analysis of toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, and styrene is possible using a passive sampler (POD Sampler). This time, we will report on the quantitative analysis of 2-ethyl-1-hexanol, which is a candidate substance for indoor concentration guideline values.

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