• Session No.119 Vibration, Noise, Ride Quality IV
  • October 24Tachibana Conference Hall12:35-15:15
  • Chair: Hidenori Morita (Toyota Motor )
No. Title・Author (Affiliation)

Construction of PBN (Pass-By Noise) Model using MBD (1)
-Construction of HEV 1D System Model for UN R51-03 PBN Driving Mode-

Hiromu Iwase・Go Endo・Shinta Nakazawa・Go Toshizane・Kenichiro Ogata (Honda Motor)・Junya Matsumoto (RYOMO SYSTEMS)

Vehicle substitution verification with Model-Based Development is an effective method to improve the efficiency of PBN verification.
To realize the vehicle substitution verification, 1D system model that can predict driving conditions specified by UN R-51-03 and comprehensive operating conditions of a powertrain is required.
This paper describes a modeling method for constructing the 1D system model.


Electric Powertrain Noise Simulation Method Considering Contact between Parts

Ryosuke Yamauchi・Yasuyuki Asahara (Nissan Motor)・Takashi Maeda・Shota Fubasami・Kensho Sakamoto (Estech)

In the prediction of NV of the electric power train, the influence of the modeling accuracy of the shaft system is large. In particular, it is necessary to consider the contact area of the bearing and the change in stiffness according to the magnitude and direction of the torque in order to improve accuracy. In this paper, we report an analysis method using physical property mapping considering contact for the purpose of improving prediction accuracy of motor noise and gear noise of EV motor.


Vibration Isolating Support System with Leaf Springs for Electric Compressor

Kazuhiro Hayashi・Takanori Suzuki・Kazuhide Uchida・Yasumasa Yamazaki (SOKEN)・Motohiko Ueda (DENSO)

A quieter electric car makes the noise and vibration transmitted by the electric compressor noticeable and uncomfortable. Thus, anti-vibration mountings for the electric compressor are essential. A conventional anti-vibration rubber rigid at low temperatures worsens the vibration isolation performance at low temperatures. However, the leaf spring features the flexible stiffness over a wide temperature range. The leaf springs are applied to the anti-vibration mountings. The innovative anti-vibration mountings reduce the vibration in a wide temperature range from low to high. In addition, the mountings reduce the interior noise caused by the compressor.


Verification of Cabin Noise Reduction Effect of Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System using Downward-facing Speaker with Duct

Yuji Miyata・Hideki Matsuoka・Hiroki Tagawa (Honda Motor)

It is essential for the Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System to efficiently deliver sound to the regulatory microphone with as low a speaker volume as possible so that the driver and passengers don’t feel uncomfortable inside the vehicle while satisfying the specified external sound pressure. Prediction of the transfer function from the downward ducted speaker to the microphone positions specified by regulations using acoustic CAE resulted in a practical accuracy and clarified the effective parameters and mechanisms of the system.


Study on Optimization of Acoustic Properties of Laminated Soundproofing Material Design Considering Temperature Dependence

Tatsuro Miki (Nichias)・Kazuhito Misaji・Suzaku Kawano・Ayumi Takahashi (Nihon University)・Masatake Onodera (Nichias)

Acoustic prediction in a high temperature environment is important in the design of sound absorbing materials around the engine and exhaust pipes. The purpose of this study is to design a laminated soundproofing material with optimal sound insulation properties by means of theoretical calculations considering air temperature and acoustic pipe measurements at high temperatures.


Examination of Predictive Control for Ride Comfort using Foundation Models

Ichiji Yamada・Akira Kato・Yohei Nagai・Kenta Miyoshi (AISIN)

In conventional ride comfort predictive control, lasers and other devices have been used for road surface measurement, but there have been issues with measurement accuracy and time delays. Additionally, the relationship between the subjective evaluation by passengers and the vehicle’s design parameters, or physical quantities such as response parameters, has not been clearly understood. This paper examines the use of a Multimodal Foundation Model and image scene understanding to propose an optimal ride comfort experience for passengers.

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