• Session No.127 Polymer Materials I
  • October 24Shirakashi Conference Room 29:30-11:35
  • Chair: Satoshi Hirawaki (Honda R&D)
No. Title・Author (Affiliation)

Study on Spatial Distribution of Displacement and Strain in Rubber Friction against a Stainless-steel Sphere

Toshiaki Nishi・Kyouhei Ueno・Tomohiro Nomoto (Tohoku University)・Shinya Sugisawa・Daiki Shin・Ken Yamaguchi・Isao Kuwayama (Bridgestone)・Takeshi Yamaguchi (Tohoku University)

In designing the slip resistance of vehicle tires, it is important to design rubber friction. The change in displacement and strain in rubber bulk would determine the friction behavior, but has not been clarified. In this study, the spatial distributions of these parameters were experimentally quantified based on a digital image correlation method.


Prediction Method for Appearance Evaluation of Molded in Color Plastic using Measurement/Simulation Data

Hiroyuki Kimoto・Minako Izumi・Hirotaka Sakamoto・Kunihiro Nobuhara (Toyota Motor)

For resin bonding materials, which are being developed as unpainted exterior panel materials for CN and new designs, it is important to control the color through composition. Color is evaluated by sensory evaluation, but there is little knowledge regarding the correlation between composition and color, and the current state of creation is through trial and error. In order to reduce the amount of trial and error involved, we have developed a technology that utilizes information science to predict the characteristics of composition and color that will pass the test.


Exploration of Metal-resin Bonding Mechanism by Simulation

Hiroki Inoue (Tosoh)

Injection bonding which is bonding between metal and resin is an insert molding method using surface-treated metal. Injection bonding has features such as high productivity and a high degree of design freedom; however, there are still many unclear points about this bonding mechanism. We tried to elucidate this unclear point using simulations.


Crack Propagation Analysis for Joint using Damage Model

Hirofumi Sugiyama (University of Yamanashi)・Shigenobu Okazawa (University of Yamanashi / Diver Technology)

Evaluating the strength of joints is necessary to deal with the multi-material components. Previous research proposes a concept and simple examples of a crack propagation simulation using a damage model to evaluate fracture problems from crack initiation to rupture in joints of multi-material components. This work, moreover, shows the validity of the proposed method is tested through several example problems, such as butt joints and single lap joints.


Method of Determining Parameters of Plastic Material for Collision CAE and Accuracy Verification by Impact Test of Interior Parts

Kazuya Suzuki・Toshiro Ohori・Masayuki Ishihara (Suzuki Motor)

In order to conclude the presence of a crack in plastic parts in CAE of vehicle collision, incorporation of appropriate physical property parameters into a material model that can represent the mechanical characteristics of the plastics is demanded. We will introduce a method of identifying the parameters to be incorporated into a plastic-specific model in generic CAE software from the results of general material tests. Furthermore, a case study where the accuracy was verified using impact tests of interior parts, will be presented.

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