• Session No.129 Diesel Combustion I
  • October 25Meeting Room 1+29:30-10:45
  • Chair: Jun Ishimoto (Tohoku University)
No. Title・Author (Affiliation)

Effect of Spray-spray/wall Interaction on Diesel Engine Combustion (1st Report)

Kazuya Miyashita・Shinya Furukawa・Yoshinori Ishii・Hisashi Ozawa (Isuzu Advanced Engineering Center)

Fuel spray injected into diesel engine cylinder develops with entraining ambient air. Air entrainment flow surrounding the spray side boundary interferes with that of adjacent sprays. And the spray interferes with piston wall and develops along the wall surface. Then the spray interferes with the adjacent sprays developing along the wall surface similarly. In this study, effect of each interference on combustion was investigated by using a single cylinder engine.


Effect of Spray-spray/Wall Interaction on Diesel Engine Combustion (2nd Report)

Shinya Furukawa・Kazuya Miyashita・Yoshinori Ishii・Hisashi Ozawa (Isuzu Advanced Engineering Center)

Fuel spray injected into diesel engine cylinder develops with entraining ambient air. Air entrainment flow surrounding the spray side boundary interferes with that of adjacent sprays. And the spray interferes with piston wall and develops along the wall surface. Then the spray interferes with the adjacent sprays developing along the wall surface similarly. In this study, effect of each interference on combustion was analyzed by using engine combustion CFD simulation.


Evaluation of the Exhaust Behavior on a Diesel Light Duty Vehicle during a Real Driving by an on-board FT-IR Analyzer

Noritsune Kawaharada・Hisakazu Suzuki (NALTEC)

Real driving emission (RDE) test has been introduced as a part of the type approval test for diesel passenger cars in Japan. The target substants at the RDE test are mainly CO2 and NOx. In this study, due to its high global worming potential compared to CO2, N2O emission was also focused on our real driving tests. An on-board FT-IR analyzer was installed with a conventional portable emission measurement system (PEMS) to a diesel passenger car. The exthaust emissions were measeured during the tests and the emission behavior of these substances were discussed.

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