• Session No.141 Accident Analysis
  • October 25Hagi Conference Hall15:20-17:00
  • Chair: Tetsuo Maki (Tokyo City University)
No. Title・Author (Affiliation)

Analyzing Parking Lot Accidents and Evaluating Collision Avoidance Performance of AEB using the RCAR Test Procedure

Naoki Bessho・Yoshimasa Uchida・Hisashi Kusano (The Jiken Center)

Unlike the recent downward trend in personal injury accidents, property damage accidents are on the rise. To further reduce traffic accidents, it is essential to understand the actual situation, including property damage accidents. This report focuses on parking accidents, which constitute a large number of property damage incidents, and presents an analysis of accident situations. Additionally, the evaluation method for AEB (Autonomous Emergency Braking) systems developed by RCAR to address parking accidents is introduced.


Characteristics of Japanese Traffic Accidents in Frontal Collision and Side Collision

Yoshinori Tanaka・Naruyuki Hosokawa・Yasuhiro Matsui・Masatoshi Usui (NALTEC)

We investigated characteristics of traffic accidents in frontal collision and side collision occurred in Japan during 10-years period from 2013 to 2022. The analysis results in frontal collision accidents indicated that approximately 70% of fatalities were driver's seat occupants, of which proportion and fatality rate in male occupants were higher than those in female occupants. The results also revealed that in side collision accidents, approximately 30% of fatalities were occupants seated on the non-struck side of the vehicle, of which proportion and fatality rate in male occupants were also higher than those in female occupants.


Characteristics of Collisions between Cars and Bicycles at Intersections in Recent Years and Analysis of the Effectiveness of AEB for Cyclists

Kenji Kawaguchi (Institute for Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis)

In recent years, the number of rear-end collisions has decreased due to the widespread deployment of AEB (Autonomous Emergency Braking) of passenger cars, and crossing collisions are the most common. Moreover, among these accidents, cyclists’ injuries were the most common. This report analyzes these accidents from various perspectives and identifies the factors and other characteristics. Also, the effect of bicycle AEB on the market were calculated and proposals for further reducing accidents and injuries were made.


A Research on the Cause of Rear Left Tire Drop-off Accidents of the Trucks

Yasumasa Shoji (YS Corporation)

Recently the tire drop-off accidents of trucks are increasing. The tires are mainly left and rear side. This phenomena has occurred and increased after the tightening method was changed from JIS method to ISO method, and the number increased about 10 times after the change. Many researches have been carried out but none of them explain why the accidents occur mainly on rear left tires. The author found the possible reason based on a general principle of nut self-loosening and reports it in this paper.

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