• Session No.16 Advanced Gasoline Engine Systems and Technologies I (OS)
  • May 22Room G401+G4029:30-11:10
  • Chair: Toshiaki Kitagawa (Kyushu University)
Presentations related to introduction of latest engines and technology for improvement of thermal efficiency and exhaust emissions reduction are expected, such as direct injection technology, atomization, mixture formation, ignition technology, combustion analysis, in-cylinder visualization, knocking and new combustion concept. Technologies are also expected related to electrification of the powertrains, engine parts, measurement system, sensors, control technology, auxiliary machinery, CAE, catalysts and GPF etc.
Gasoline Engine Committee
Kazuhiro Akihama (Nihon University), Satoaki Ichi (Kawasaki Motors), Takashi Kondo (Honda Motor), Daijirou Tanaka (Yamaha Motor), Takahiro Noyori (AVL Japan)
No. Title・Author (Affiliation)

CO2 Separation and Capture from Combustion Engine Exhaust Gas using Physical Adsorption Method
-Impact of Surface Properties of Absorbent on CO2 Adsorption and Desorption Characteristics-

Tadanori Yanai・Naotaka Wakaoka・Satoshi Yamazaki (Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology)

A CO2 separation and capture system using a physical adsorption method with zeolite for internal combustion engines has been proposed. In this study, impact of surface properties of zeolite on the CO2 adsorption and desorption characteristics were investigated.


Commercial Hydrogen Engine with 50% BTE

Anton Arnberger (AVL List)・Andre Ferrarese (Tupy)・Patrick Gratzl (AVL List)

CO2 reduction goals for commercial vehicle fleets are pushing the developments of hydrogen engines. Hydrogen as a fuel in internal combustion engines for commercial applications allows either spark ignited lean burn or high-pressure direct injection concepts. Such late cycle direct injection offers benefits in terms of power density and transient response. Also the fuel efficiency potential is outstanding, a major contributor to optimize TCO for heavy duty vehicles.
AVL demonstrated 50% BTE on a heavy duty hydrogen engine using late cycle direct injection. In this session the development program, achievements, future potential and risks of this technology approach are presented.


Developments of a Vibration-Free I.C. Piston Engine Based on a “Basement and Radial” Configuration Design
-Firing Engine Operation of the 1st Prototype Engine and Design Theory for the Compact 2nd Prototype Engine-

Haruki Ushimaru・Momoka Komeda・Gen Takase・Ryosuke Hibi・Yojiro Ishino (Nagoya Institute of Technology)

A novel engine geometry, which named provisionally as "basement and radial configuration", was proposed and investigated. The geometry gives a vibration-free and kinematic energy fluctuation-free property to motions of multiple parts; i.e. pistons. In this configuration, all the moving pistons are driven by a single radial-arm-rotor. In this study, a 1st prototype three-cylinder internal combustion engine based on the geometry was designed and manufactured. A trial operation of the prototype engine resulted in achievement of firing operation without any support of electrical motor and so on. The theory and design for a compact 2nd prototype engine was also reported.


Study of the Reaction Mechanism of Hydrocarbons with High Blending Octane Number

Hidetaka Ishii・Fumiya Kawashima・Michio Nakano (Nippon Institute of Technology)

Focusing on hydrocarbons with a high blending octane number (BON), reaction products from the flow reactor were analyzed. Test fuels, which were composed by high BON hydrocarbon and primary reference fuel (PRF), and PRF with same octan number to the test fuels were used as fuels. Based on the results, the mechanism by which hydrocarbons with high BON improve octane number was investigated.

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