• Session No.49 New Movement of Model Distribution and Model Based Development I (OS)
  • May 23Room G4049:30-11:10
  • Chair: Masakazu Mukai (Kogakuin University)
Vehicle Control and Modeling Engineering Committee
Yutaka Hirano (HIRANO Research Lab.), Yuji Yasui (Honda R&D), Masakazu Mukai (Kogakuin University)
No. Title・Author (Affiliation)

Moduralization of Vehicle Simulation Model for Efficient Digital Development

Yukihiro Adachi (Toyota Motor)

Many simulation tools are used for car development, as appropriate tools depend on the component and phenomenon. Therefore, model conversion and re-creation are often required when assembling a full car model. Such additional works decrease development efficiency. To improve this problem, modular model concept is introduced, which consists of some modularized component models, coupled each other by co-simulation. A proof-of-concept model was created, and offline calculations and application to steering HiL and driving simulators were performed.


SIL-HIL Hybrid Simulation Environment for Automotive Software Validation

Katsuya Tsuzuki (dSPACE Japan)・Andre Hildebrandt (dSPACE)・Rafael Yunis (dSPACE Engineering d.o.o.)・Fabian Bronner・Martin Ruehl (dSPACE)

As ECU software becomes more complex, the Software In the Loop (SIL) environment is attracting attention for virtual validation, while the Hardware In the Loop (HIL) environment continues to play an essential role and is at least required for final checks.
In this study, transitions between SIL and HIL are presented and use cases for hybrid environments are discussed.


Cross-Company Collaborative Model-Based Development using FMI3.0 and SSP Traceability Specification

Dai Araki (Toshiba Digital Solutions)

FMI and SSP are interface standards for exchanging simulation models between heterogeneous tools. FMI standard has updated to 3.0 in May 2022 and SSP standard is announced to be upgraded to 2.0. This paper discuss the effects of these latest standards on the realization of cross-team / cross-company collaborative model-based development and propose a tool chain for effectively utilizing the new standards.


Study of the Method for Refinement of Design Parameters Considering Tolerances by MBD

Junichi Ichimura (The Open University of Japan/NewtonWorks)

Consideration of the influence of the tolerance is important in product design.
We study the parameter study flow for the evaluation of product performance including tolerance, using the 1DCAE brake model: (i) analysis without interaction, (ii) analysis with variation, and (iii) analysis with exhaustive calculations.

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