• Session No.54 Road Traffic Safety
  • May 23Room G418+G4199:30-12:10
  • Chair: Yasufumi Sekine (Fukuyama University)
No. Title・Author (Affiliation)

Improving Vehicle Safety in African countries

Victor Garcia Santamaria (Applus+ IDIADA)・Niccolò Baldanzini・Simone Piantini (University of Florence)

Based on the work done in the TRANS-SAFE project, which has the focus in reducing disproportionate amount of road deaths in Africa compared to the rest of the world through different approaches, the paper includes a study of the root causes of the problems in Africa, including its aged, unsafe vehicle fleet. This papers viewpoint is to make vehicles safer through a series of actions and recommendations, which include an approach to new adapted regulations and a retrofit system to adapt older vehicles to newer standards through aftermarket ADAS devices, that will be assessed through demonstration activities in African soil.


A Study on Web Framework Architecture for Infotainment System

Joonhyung Kim (Hyundai Motor)

Recently, an infotainment system has evolved into a platform for external contents like video streaming and game, and web is one promising solution. In this paper, I address two architectural points for designing web framework for an infotainment system, and choose the best design among candidates. The first architectural point is a process architecture; between centralized and distributed architecture, centralized architecture is chosen by its better memory efficiency and interoperability. The second architectural point is a system UI integration; among three candidates, native overlay app architecture wins over most aspects. Based on the results, web framework is developed and on mass production.


Study on Ventilation Volume of EV in the Case of Transport for COVID-19 Patient (Part3)

Koichi Oshino

Cabin ventilation is important in the case of transport for COVD-19 patients. It is two methods, the interior air circulation and the outside air introducing. The problems of the interior air circulation are discussed in the first report of this study. Outside air introducing has two methods, outside air introducing at the closed window, and the opening window. Both methods have the satisfied ventilation volume. However, the small opening window method, it is not cleared the relation between opening width and the ventilation volume. Here, its relation is examined by the simple method.


Statistical Analysis of Driving Characteristics using ETC2.0 Probe Data

Norihiko Kato・Yoshihiro Suda (The University of Tokyo)

In this research, we aim to utilize ETC2.0 probe data for driving evaluation and safe driving support by calculating the acceleration/deceleration for each fixed distance section from long-term vehicle speed and sampling time information and performing statistical analysis.


SOTIF Development and Safety Analysis using the Safety Concept Description Language SCDL, and International Standardization of SCDL

Nobuaki Tanaka (OTSL)・Shuhei Yamashita (DNV Business Assurance Japan)・Yoshiaki Shoi (ASAM Japan)

We report on the concept and international standardization efforts of SCDL NextGen, the next generation standard for SCDL (Safety Concept Description Language), which is a semi-formal notation for safety concepts in functional safety standards. SCDL NextGen expands the scope of use of the notation to include cybersecurity, SOTIF, and safety analysis.
This paper also reports on the semi-formalization of safety analysis and a case study of the SOTIF safety architecture.


Traffic Control of Automated Guided Vehicles by Quantum Annealing

Keigo Noguchi (Toyota Motor)・Kanto Teranishi (Fixstars)・Toru Takashima・Yoshinori Suga (Toyota Motor)・Munehiro Doi・Yasuhiko Shiota (Fixstars)

This paper proposes a method to optimize the route and speed of multiple large AGVs used in factories using quantum annealing ising machines. This method involves dividing a series of travelings into driving elements and searching the optimal combination of these elements. This paper compares the effects of optimization achieved by introducing variations in the driving elements through simulations.

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