• セッションNo.73 ドライバ支援システムのHMI II(OS)
  • 5月24日 パシフィコ横浜 G403 15:20-17:00
  • 座長:恩田 和征(スズキ)
田島孝光(本田技術研究所),小竹元基(東京工業大学),堺 浩之(豊田中央研究所),恩田和征(スズキ),道辻洋平(茨城大学),林 隆三(東京理科大学),平岡敏洋(日本自動車研究所)
No. タイトル・著者(所属)


久下 柾・劉 海龍(奈良先端科学技術大学院大学)・平岡 敏洋(日本自動車研究所)・和田 隆広(奈良先端科学技術大学院大学)




安田 肇・五十嵐 智貴(日産自動車)・平尾 章成(芝浦工業大学)



Verification of Operability and Strength of Variable Steering Wheel throught Analysis

Dongmin Kim・Hyeonmuk Kim (KOMOS)

The purpose of this study is to verify through analysis the operational performance of the variable steering wheel, which is being developed to improve driver convenience as autonomous vehicle driving technology develops. For future autonomous driving levels 3 and above, entertainment inside the vehicle is becoming more important. Accordingly, securing driver's seat and interior space is becoming essential and important, and the need to hide the steering wheel as a technical solution is being highlighted. We are currently developing a folding/unfolding steering wheel, and NVH, strength, fatigue durability, etc. are verified and analyzed through analysis of problems that arise when the steering wheel is folded/unfolded.


Design and Implementation of Variable Steering Wheel System to Enhance Convenience and Space Utilization in Autonomous Vehicles

Hyeonmuk Kim・Dongmin Kim (KOMOS)

The research focuses on the implementation of variable steering wheel systems in tandem with the advancement of SAE Level 3 autonomous driving technology. Emphasizing the rapid changes in the automotive industry and the evolution from SAE Level 2 to Level 3, the study underscores the significance of technological solutions to enhance efficiency and driver convenience in future autonomous vehicles. The research delves into aspects such as steering wheel types, the purpose and concepts of variable steering wheels, operational specifications, key requirements, motor and gear selection, strength testing, and outlines directions for future improvements.

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