• Session No.42 Electric Road System II (Dynamic Charge and Power Supply) (OS)
  • May 22Room G316+G31712:40-14:20
  • Chair: Takamitsu Tajima (Honda R&D)
Proliferation of electric vehicles (EV) is the key to reduce CO2 emissions while driving vehicles. However, there are issues which need to be solved such as cruising range, charging method, and spread of EVs among large-sized transport vehicles. We will discuss Electric Road System (Dynamic charge and power supply) technology using ground infrastructure to directly supply charge running EVs with electricity. In this session, various systems such as contact type (conductive type) and non-contact type (wireless type) will be discussed.
Vehicle Characteristics Design Committee
Takamitsu Tajima (Honda R&D), Junya Yamakawa (National Defense Academy of Japan), Hitoshi Tsunashima (Nihon University), Yasuji Shibahata (Kanagawa Institute of Technology), Keiichi Koseki (Ibaraki University), Takayuki Satou (Hitachi Construction Machinery), Kazuki Shimamura (Japan Automobile Research Institute), Masaki Asano (Isuzu Advanced Engineering Center), Ryuzo Hayashi (Tokyo University of Science)
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No. Video Title・Author (Affiliation)

Endurance test methods for batteries applied to intermittent charging during highway driving.

Yoshihisa Hojo (Toyo Denki Seizo)

Intermittent charging during driving on highrways is being considered from the perspective of reducing battery capacity and equipment-related costs for heavy trucks and other vehicles.However, this method has an impact on battery life due to frequent charging and discharging.
This paper proposes a test system using two dynamometers with a continuous rated torque of more than 6500 Nm to perform battery endurance tests on the bench.


Proof of Concept of Trolley Technology in EV Conversion of Mine Dump Trucks

Toshikazu Minoshima・Jun Ikeda・Takayuki Sato (Hitachi Construction Machinery)

The mining industry is exploring the electrification of mining dump trucks to achieve net-zero emissions.
Mine dump trucks powered by batteries instead of engines were operated at a mine with conventional trolley technology. This paper reports on the actual experiment at the mine site.


Development of a PVEV Evaluation Tool

Hidenori Mizuno・Pawita Bunme・Takumi Takashima・Takashi Oozeki (AIST)

We have developed a 'PVEV Evaluation Tool' that estimates the potential benefits of PVEVs without actual usage. This tool will provide useful information to motivate manufacturers to develop PVEVs and assist users in making decisions about adopting PVEVs.


The importance of ERS for COI2 reduction from road vehicles

Mats Alakula (Lund University)

ERS offer an alternative charging infrastructure to a fast-charging network. This facilitates a significantly reduced, or even eliminated, need for fast charging stations and a reduced need for on-board batteries. To reduce the CO2 emissions from road vehicles the sales of new EV's needs to be complemented with conversion of relatively new conventional vehicles to EV's, due to the long lifetime of conventional vehicles. Conversions allow less space for batterie, and benefit from ERS technology. The paper will elaborate on the importance of ERS technology to cap global warming.

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