• Session No.61 MBD Guaranteed for Model Distribution Conforming to International Standards II -Support Technology for Digital Validation and Visualization of Carbon Neutrality- (OS)
  • May 23Room G30413:40-15:45
  • Chair: Osamu Seya (TechnoPro)
To realize MBD including digital validation and visualization of carbon neutrality practically, model development and distribution systems which ensure compatibility are important and they need a standard. The investigating committee on development & distribution of models by international standard description of JSAE has been investigated such a system mainly based on IEC61691-1 and IEC61691-6 (VHDL-AMS) and has been built a cloud computing environment. This presentation aims to make MBD a support technology forfurther innovation through collaboration between different organizations.
Model Development and Distribution by International Standard Description Committee
Junichi Ichihara (AZAPA), Toshiji Kato (Doshisha University), Kimitoshi Tsuji (Digital Twins), Osamu Seya (TechnoPro), Tsunehiro Saito (AGC), Hiroki Ishikawa (Gifu University)
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No. Video Title・Author (Affiliation)

Accuracy verification of circuit analysis method using coupled Electrical and mechanical 1D models in collaboration with Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers

Masashi Inaba (DENSO)・Hiroki Nakamizo (Institute of Science Tokyo)・Masanari Ueda (SIEMENS)・Takao Egami (AC Technologies)・Yoshiko Ikeda (Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage)・Daisaku Mukaiyama (Rubycon)・Yoshinori Aruga (KOA)・Wataru Hijikata・Hideaki Fujita (Institute of Science Tokyo)・Takuya Shinoda (DENSO)

In recent years, the coupled Electrical and mechanical 1D model has been attracting attention due to the need to shorten the ECU development period. Last year, we analyzed the operation of actuator drive circuits and calculated ECU heat generation by simulation using a model shared among companies. This year, based on the results, we actually created a board to check the agreement between the experimental results and the simulation.


Acuracy verification of robust design for location of thermal interfacial material by using MBD

Kazunari Hashimoto (DENSO)・Ryuta Yasui (Institute of Science Tokyo)・Masashi Inaba (DENSO)・Takao Egami (AC Technologies)・Yoshiko Ikeda (Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage)・Yoshinori Aruga (KOA)・Daisaku Mukaiyama (RUBYCON)・Masanari Ueda (Siemens)・Kazuyoshi Fushinobu (Institute of Science Tokyo)・Takuya Shinoda (DENSO)

In recent years, technological innovation has been accelerating, and it is expected that the development period will be shortened by fully utilizing CAE.
Last year, we proposed that htatthe method the circuit analysis of circuit elements and actuators as 1D models was combined with heat transfer analysis and optimization algorithm analysis. In this year we verified the agreement between the analytical and experimental results.


The evaluation of the actuator behavior in a low-temperature range - The effect of the low temperature characteristics of the Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors -

Daisaku Mukaiyama (Rubycon)・Masashi Inaba (DENSO)・Masanari Ueda (Siemens)・Yoshinori Aruga (KOA)・Yoshiko Ikeda (Toshiba Device & Storage)・Takao Egami (AC Technologies)・Kazunari Hashimoto (DENSO)・Hideki Jounokuchi (Nagoya Institute of Technology)・Masayoshi Yamamoto (Nagoya University)・Takuya Shinoda (DENSO)

Based on the system simulations, we showed the effect of the aluminum electrolytic capacitors' low-temperature behavior on the actuator's control in the previous works. We assembled an actuator system that followed the previous system simulation to confirm whether the same phenomena appear in a low-temperature condition. We will show the details of these results.


Resistor and board modeling for Tier 1 and Tier 2 collaboration using MBD

Yoshinori Aruga (KOA)・Masashi Inaba (DENSO)・Masanari Ueda (Siemens)・Daisaku Mukaiyama (Rubycon)・Hiroki Nakamizo (Institute of science)・Haruki Takei (Siemens)・Takao Egami (AC technologies)・Yoshiko Ikeda (Toshiba Electronic Devices and Storage)・Hideki Jounokuchi (Nagoya Institute of Technology)・Takuya Shinoda (DENSO)

In the thermal design of in-vehicle electrical equipment that is becoming smaller and more sophisticated, it is important to consider not only semiconductors but also the small components (resistors, capacitors, etc.) in their peripheral circuits. In this report, a 1D model (coupled mechanical, electrical circuit, and thermal model) of an actuator drive circuit shared by WG members consisting of Tier1 and Tier2 is discussed. In addition, modeling of the resistors and boards used will be discussed.


Impact of Semiconductor Model Accuracy and Its Application to Actuator Drive Circuit Operation for MBD Collaboration Between Tier 1 and Tier 2

Yoshiko Ikeada (Toshiba Electronic Devices and Strage Corporation)・Takao Egami (AC Technology Corporation)・Masashi Inaba・Takuya Shinoda・Kazunari Hashimoto (DENSO)・Masao Ueda (Siemens Corporation)・Daisaku Mukaiyama (Rubycon Corporation)・Yoshinori Aruga (Koa)・Hideki Jonokuchi (Nagoya Institute of Technology)

In automotive electronic equipment, the accuracy of semiconductor models is crucial for MBD (Model-Based Development) and front-loading. Using the high-precision Spice model of MOSFETs and the high-precision model of gate driver ICs reported previously, we evaluate the impact of model accuracy and its application to actuator drive circuit operation.

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