• Session No.65 New Technologies for Advanced Measurements and Diagnostics I (OS)
  • May 23Room G316+G3179:30-11:10
  • Chair: Atsushi Shimada (Hitachi)
New technologies for advanced measurement and diagnostic technologies are discussed in automotive engineering including powertrain.
Measurement & Diagnostics Committee
Atsushi Shimada (Hitachi), Kotaro Tanaka (Ibaraki University), Masaaki kato (SUBARU)
For presentations that will not be available video streaming after congress, a “✕” is displayed in the “Video” column, so please check.
No. Video Title・Author (Affiliation)

Development of an Efficient Testing Methods for In-Vehicle Battery Durability Evaluation Utilizing Bidirectional Power Supply System


Discussions are being held at the United Nations regarding in-vehicle battery durability evaluation for light duty vehicles and heavy duty vehicles. For in-vehicle battery durability evaluation in the vehicle development and markets, it is desired that efficient testing methods be realized without modifying the vehicles. As one of the testing methods, a bidirectional power supply system capable of charging and discharging continuously was utilized to carried out an evaluation with a light duty vehicle.


Investigation of Impedance Measurement Methods for EV Traction batteries mounted on EVs

Takumi Mori・Nozomu Teranishi (HIOKI E.E. CORPORATION)・Toshimichi Takahashi (Meidensha)

It is important to establish and standardize a method to measure and evaluate the electrical characteristics of EV traction batteries mounted on EVs as an inspection methodology for EV performance and safety. In this study, multiple methods for measuring the internal resistance/impedance of battery packs mounted on EVs were evaluated. The experiment results and comparative investigation is reported, to propose an appripriate and versatile method.


Relationship between Mass Burnt Fraction 50% Crank Angle and Low-Frequency Components in Cylinder Pressure When Ignition Timing was delayed

Keiichi Nagashima (Honda R&D)・Kazuo Tsuchiya (Meiji University)

When the ignition timing was delayed for the purpose of engine protection or early activation of the exhaust catalyst, cylinder pressure with two peaks might occur.  The cylinder pressure with two peaks also confirmed a correlation between mass burnt fraction 50% crank angle and amplitude of the low-order sin frequency component (bk).  In addition, bk might become negative. It is caused by the high cylinder pressure in the calculation section where the part of the bk calculation equation is negative.


Bulk Quench of Turbulent Premixed Combustion Under Dilution and Lean Operating Conditions in DI Gasoline Engine

Masaaki Kato・Yoshirou Shiina・Takeshi Tsuda (SUBARU)

The bulk quenching behavior of flame propagation near the lean and dilution combustion limits, including cold conditions, are measured in an optical access DI gasoline engine. Combustion behavior near the flamability limit is analyzed using flame image analysis, combined with unburned gas emissions by means of a high-speed HC measurement taken directly behind the exhaust valve.The effects of In-cylinder gas flow control and in-cylinder state quantity were clarified.

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