• Session No.76 Dynamics, Control and Safety of Two-wheeled Vehicles I -Motorcycles, Bicycles, and PMV- (OS)
  • May 23Room G4049:30-11:10
  • Chair: Tomoya Kitani (Shizuoka University)
In this session, we will collect research findings on the various dynamic characteristics of two-wheeled vehicles, rider characteristics, control, and safety, and discuss future directions.
Two-wheeled Vehicle Dynamics Committee
Tetsunori Haraguchi (Nagoya University), Masaru Asakawa (Hitachi Astemo), Tomoya Kitani (Shizuoka University), Junji Hirasawa (National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Ibaraki College)
For presentations that will not be available video streaming after congress, a “✕” is displayed in the “Video” column, so please check.
No. Video Title・Author (Affiliation)

Analysis of Obstacle Avoidance Performance of a Personal Mobility Vehicle (PMV) Equipped with an Active Inward-Tilting Mechanism under Braking Conditions

Tetsunori Haraguchi (Nagoya University / Nihon University)・Tetsuya Kaneko (Osaka Sangyo University)

The authors have investigated the obstacle avoidance capability of a PMV equipped with an active inward-tilting mechanism through both a theoretical analysis of its mechanism and validation using a dynamic simulation model. In this study, they focus on the obstacle avoidance characteristics under braking conditions, which closely resemble real-world avoidance maneuvers. The results demonstrate the superior avoidance capability of the PMV, including the effective tread width expansion effect during braking achieved by its front two-wheel configuration.


Simulation-Based Analysis of Obstacle Avoidance in Personal Mobility Vehicle (PMV) with an Inward Tilting under Braking Conditions

Tetsuya kaneko (Osaka Sangyo University)・Tetsunori Haraguchi (Nagoya University)・Ichiro Kageyama (Nihon University)

The authors have previously studied the obstacle avoidance performance of a PMV with an active inward-tilting mechanism, examining its mechanical principles and validating findings through dynamic simulations. This paper investigates braking-induced avoidance maneuvers resembling real-world scenarios, using a multi-degree-of-freedom dynamic model to analyze variations in vehicle state and tire forces, thereby demonstrating the PMV's avoidance capability.


Analysis of the influence of motorcycle dynamics on frame flexibility

Tsuyoshi Katayama (Kurume Institute Technology)・Reiya Haraoka (Kurume Institute of Technology)・Masanori Myoyo (Kurume Institute Technology)・Takahiko Yoshino (Kurume Institute of Technology)

When the bending freedom of the front frame of a motorcycle becomes soft, the weave mode becomes unstable. However, it has not yet been clarified what factors determine the softness of the frame rigidity. In this paper, the effect of mechanical elements on the flexibility of the frame is clarified by applying an analytical method obtained by the energy flow method to the equation of motion for the bending degree of freedom of the front frame. An index of flexibility is proposed, based on the results.


Analysis of the Influence of Motorcycle Dynamics on Frame Flexibility (Second Report)
-Examples of Applications of Flexibility Indicators-

Takahiko Yoshino・Reiya Haraoka・Masanori Myoyo・Tsuyoshi Katayama (KURUME INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY)

When the bending freedom of the front frame of a motorcycle becomes soft, the weave mode becomes unstable. This paper examines the factors that contribute to the softness of a vehicle's frame using an index that evaluates the magnitude of bending displacement of the front frame.

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