• Session No.79 Biomechanics (OS)
  • May 23Room G414+G41513:40-15:45
  • Chair: Ryuuji Ootani (Nissan Motor)
This section will serve as a platform for the presentation and discussion of research findings on the mechanisms of injury occurrence in vehicle collisions and injury mitigation, utilizing accident data and human body models.
Impact Biomechanics Committee
Masahito Hitosugi (Shiga University of Medical Science), Yukou Takahashi (Honda R&D), Ryuuji Ootani (Nissan Motor), Daisuke Ito (Kansai University), Tomohiro Izumiyama (Mazda)
For presentations that will not be available video streaming after congress, a “✕” is displayed in the “Video” column, so please check.
No. Video Title・Author (Affiliation)

Development of 50th Percentile Female Human Body Model

Noriyuki Fujita・Takao Matuda・Yuuiti Kitagawa (Toyota Motor)

There is a growing research need for gender equity of occupant protection in vehicle collisions. Small female dummies are used in vehicle crash tests, while midsize female dummies are not available. In this study, a 50th percentile female human body model was developed. The model was used to simulate impact kinematics of a female occupant in a vehicle frontal collision and to investigate the gender difference in injury risk.


Development of Pregnant Occupant Models and Prediction of Placental Abruption in Vehicle Collisions Using these Models

Tomohiro Izumiyama・Atsuno Tsuji (Mazda)・Yumiko Tateoka (Shiga Medical Science)・Ryusuke Asahi (Mazda)・Masahito Hitosugi (Shiga Medical Science)

The mechanism of placental abruption in pregnant occupants during a collision remains unclear. In order to predict this injury, the 30-week pregnant occupant models were developed and a method for evaluating the severity of this injury on these models was established. Additionally, the effect collision velocities, seatbelt positions and placental positions on the severity of this injury was analyzed. This paper reports the mechanism of placental abruption inferred based on these results.


The novel restraint system for the safety of wheelchair user vehicle passengers

Masahito Hitosugi・Ayumu Kuwahara (Shiga University of Medical Science)

Recently, increased number of wheelchair user vehicle passengers have been involved in frontal motor vehicle collisions. Some fatal injuries were caused by inappropriate seatbelt restrictions. A lap and shoulder belt does not adequately fit most wheel chair user passengers because of the way the wheelchair constructed. We have confirmed the submarine phenomenon and high values of chest deflection for the wheelchair passengers by sled tests representing a 48 km/h frontal collision. Therefore, we propose a novel restraint system for wheelchair users traveling in vehicles. The effects or the novel system examined by sled tests is shown.


Factors influencing thoracic and abdominal injuries in far-side collisions and injury reduction

Hitoshi Ida・Yoshito Kusuhara・Michihisa Asaoka・Masashi Aoki (TOYODA GOSEI CO., LTD.)・Masahito Hitosugi (Shiga University of Medical Science)

We analyzed injury trends and influencing factors in far-side collision accidents. Since it was found that reducing injuries to the thorax and abdominal area is important for occupants restrained by seat belts, we performed simulations using the human body model THUMS to examine methods for reducing thorax and abdominal injuries.


Analyses of injury mechanism with human FE models in accidents involving an electric kick scooter

Daisuke Ito・Shun Fujishima (Kansai University)

In this study, a human finite element model was used to analyze the mechanism of injury occurrence during a electric kick scooter accident. The human body behavior and the degree of injury to each part of the body during collision with a four-wheeled vehicle and with a curb block were evaluated, and it was shown that the collision angle had a significant effect on the behavior.

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