No. | 配信 | タイトル・著者(所属) |
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Design with AI assistance Pablo Montoya Diego (Applus IDIADA) In an increasingly competitive global environment, there is currently a significant push among automakers to reduce development times for new models. This project is an exploration of Artificial Intelligence tools that have been introduced in the last two years for image and 3D volume generation, and how they can be used by designers to streamline the styling process and save significant amounts of time in turning their ideas into reality, while retaining full creative control over their output. |
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Challenges and Innovations in Sustainable Urban Vehicle Design. EMILIA Romero Tienda・Ines Munoz (A43581610) The design of innovative vehicles for urban environments presents multiple challenges in the context of sustainable mobility. This study examines the current challenges in developing urban vehicles that must comply with the principles of circular economy, carbon footprint and cost reduction, while adapting to the diverse needs of users and travel purposes. Through the analysis of two vehicles, designed for people and goods, outstanding challenges in designing truly versatile products are identified and assessed. This research contributes to the understanding of the key factors for achieving more efficient, safe and tailored urban mobility, aligned with the demands of modern society. |
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ロボットアームと差動ステアにおけるデザインと機能の融合 太田 開人(東京農工大学) ロボットアームと差動ステアリングの設計において,技術的な性能とかっこいいデザインの融合を目指しました.機能とデザインの融合を追求した具体的なプロセスやこだわった点などを,実物の展示を行いながら紹介します. |
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インフュージョン成形の特性を活かした意匠再現性 与那覇 幹男・堂端 厚志(ファブリケーター) シンプルな設備とワンオペレーションのインフュージョン成形による,意匠再現性に優れた高品質な小ロット生産の実際. |
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生成AIが変えるデザインプロセスと知的財産権の対応 横井 康秀・朝倉 雅文(Final Aim) 生成AIの進化により,デザインの高速化と創造的アプローチの拡大が進んでいる.一方で,知的財産権のリスク管理と保護が重要な課題となっている.生成AIを活用したデザイン事例を基に,技術の恩恵と課題を整理した.さらに,知財管理の現状と実践的な取り組みを踏まえ,次世代のデザインプロセスを提案する. |