No. | 配信 | タイトル・著者(所属) |
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Research on securing the formability of aluminum 7000 series 3D printing alloy and optimizing heat treatment through adding Zr inoculant and refining crystal grains to achieve high strength and elongation of body structure Hyomoon Joo (Hyndai Motor Group) Solidification cracks caused by columnar grains in precipitation-hardenable Al alloys such as 7000 series limits the applicability of laser-based-3D printing. Recently, cracking has been effectively reduced by introducing equiaxed grains through inoculant addition to Al alloy powder. However, the mechanisms through which equiaxed grains can prevent cracking have not been explained from the viewpoint of both microstructure and process parameters. In this study, a solidification cracking model was proposed using the parametric L-PBF results of ZrH2 particle-added A7075, where equiaxed grains were formed as a function of energy density. Through this, we aimed to achieve high strength of body parts. |
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アルミ部品の衝突解析におけるモデル化の影響検討 中島 伸吾・幸重 良平(コベルコ科研) アルミ鋳造部品の試験体で落錘試験を行い,荷重挙動および変形挙動を取得した.またFEMで落錘試験のシミュレーションを実施して試験結果と比較した.FEMでは使用する要素タイプや材料特性・破断特性のばらつきのモデル化方法について検討を行い,荷重挙動および変形挙動に及ぼす影響について調査した. |
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Advanced numerical method for weight optimization under consideration of integrated and innovative design trends Jan Ophey (FEV Vehicle GmbH)・Michael Hog (FEV Group)・Noriyuki Muramatsu (FEV Japan)・Max Krause・Christian Kuerten (FEV Vehicle GmbH) Giga casting - the start of the revolutionary trend of integral design in the body-in-white for decades, with the aim of reducing the number of parts, streamlining the production process and minimizing development and production times. Integral design is not limited to Giga casting but also leads to new concepts for a variety of materials and approaches. Hand in hand, comes a need for advanced numerical optimization methods which enable a holistic CAE-based weight reduction. By optimizing shape, material and thicknesses such an approach is established and performed on a representative integral design part. |
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AIサロゲートを用いた構造体強度開発のプロセス効率化 川口 幹祐・田中 元基・胡木 隆・中野 徹・西川 潤(マツダ)・Bisser Raytchev(広島大学) 構造強度開発のMBDでは相反する機能について最適解探索のニーズがあるが,モデル作成と計算の時間が長く開発初期に適用できない課題がある. |
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簡易試験体を用いた衝突性能評価手法の開発と破断予測技術の検証 相藤 孝博・河内 毅・下田 絵里子(日本製鉄) 簡易ハット型構造においてフロントサイドメンバ―の衝突変形モードを再現可能な試験方法を開発.鋼板の曲げ性による材料破断の発生状況の違いや,スポット溶接条件によるスポット溶接部破断の発生状況の違いを表現可能とした.伴わせてFEM解析による破断予測技術の精度を検証した. |