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Development Of Indoor Lighting Optimization Through Customer Preference Clinic DAESEON LEE (Hyundai Motor) As customer demands increase, the design complexity of automobiles increases. Automotive makers have developed design methods using modular architecture method to solve this problem. In this paper, we propose a method to solve design complexity problem using axiom method and matrix visualization method. Axiomatic design is a systems design methodology using design matrix(DM) to analyze the transformation of customer needs into functional requirements, design parameters. We developed the design flow chart using DM(Design Matrix). DSM(Design Structure Matrix), representing linkages of process is also used to reduce the complexity. This approach is applied for vehicle cooling system and show the usefulness of architectural design approach. |
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格納式ステアリングコラムにおける剛性不足とNVH改善のためのリニアベアリング適応 Herbert Erhardt・Seryas Mohammad・Matthias Beck(SCHAEFFLER Technologies)・湯 文珊(シェフラージャパン) 自動運転技術の進展により,手動運転との切り替えを可能にする格納式ステアリングコラムが求められている.しかし,従来の調整機構では軸方向の可動ストローク拡大により,システム剛性とNVH性能が低下する課題があった.本研究では,予圧式リニアベアリングを適応させ,剛性とNVH性能を従来システムと同等に保つ可能性を検討した. |
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Seat Comfort Strategy considering High Performance Vehicle Package Factors Sunwoo Choi (Hyundai Motor)・Peter Classen・Sebastian Schumann・Thomas Schenke・Mert Kocoglu (Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center) In high-performance vehicles, the most important factors are acceleration performance and cornering, followed by seat position. Such seat position is the most important factor in vehicle development and is generally developed based on sitting height called H30. In addition, in high-performance vehicles, comfort performance is required, which is different from that of a typical vehicle. The seat comfort engineer should fully understand these two areas to review the package in the preceding stage and the seat specifications in the development stage. In this study, we studied the package factors to be considered when developing high-performance vehicles through benchmarking European competitors and items to maximize seat comfort. Also, Our high-performance car seat comfort has been upgraded to the next level. In addition, the specifications of high-performance seats are reflected in the Catia template to increase work efficiency. |
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Impact Energy Absorption and Safety Evaluation of Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composite Leaf Springs for Automotive Applications SOO SIK CHUNG (Hyundai Motor) Glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) composite leaf springs have gained significant attention as a next-generation automotive component due to their lightweight and durability compared to traditional metal springs. This study evaluated the impact resistance of GFRP leaf springs to confirm their feasibility for real-world vehicle applications, contributing to the development of safer and more efficient vehicles. |
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A Study on the Multifunctional Protection Bumper cover of Autonomous Driving Sensor HONGHEUI LEE (Hyundai Motor) This study examined the roles and functions of front bumper and grill components that have recently been changing to implement electric vehicles and autonomous driving. The development of self-healing and device technologies and sensor transmittance maintenance, which require the development of autonomous driving sensors, have been completed as basic technologies. |