• セッションNo.50 交通事故傷害予測と予防・医療 -交通事故死ゼロを目指した医工学研究-(OS)
  • 5月22日 パシフィコ横浜 G414+G415 9:30-11:10
  • 座長:石川 博敏(救急ヘリ病院ネットワーク)
宇治橋 貞幸(日本文理大学),西本 哲也(日本大学)
No. 配信 タイトル・著者(所属)


棚瀬 昇・勝間田 静江・安藤 貴裕・長岡 靖(トヨタ自動車)

D-Call Net(AACN)の死亡重症率の計算には,衝突事故の厳しさを示す指標として疑似ΔVが用いられている.疑似ΔVの算出は「衝撃が重心に作用」「車両の回転は伴わない」と前提を置いている.その前提の下では,車体のどの非変形部位でも概ね同じΔVが発生する.よって疑似ΔVを車両データと比較する場合はエアバッグECUのΔVを用いてきたが,前提とずれた事故の場合,一定の誤差が発生し,死亡重症率が正しく見積もれない可能性がある.



西本 哲也・久保田 和広・中尾 賢人(日本大学)・本村 友一(日本医科大学)・Martion Elsegood・Sam Doecke・Giulio Ponte(アデレード大学)



How does pre-crash environment affect injury risk? Injury prediction and analysis based on graph neural network

JUNHAO WEI・Yusuke Miyazaki (Institute of Science Tokyo)・Fusako Sato (JARI)

Injury severity in vehicle crashes is influenced by various factors within the pre-crash environment including environment, vehicle and driver attributes, together with other pre-crash attributes. To investigates the relationships among the factors to identify key determinants of injury outcomes, this study employs graph neural network to model complex interactions and dependencies from police-reported tabular database. The analysis reveals critical contributors to injury severity, uncovering relationships among variables in pre-crash environment. These findings provide actionable insights for enhancing traffic safety and developing effective injury prevention strategies.


Investigation of Severe Injury Probability Prediction Models by Body Parts Through Decision Tree-Based Machine Learning Approach

YIMENG MEI・Haruhiro Fukushima・Yusuke Miyazaki (Institute of Science Tokyo)・Fusako Sato (JARI)

Traffic accidents result in countless economic losses and casualties worldwide annually, making reducing casualties in road accidents always been a hot topic in research. In this context, quick and accurate prediction of occupant injury severity in traffic accidents helps emergency services respond more effectively. However, previous research effects have mainly concentrated on predicting overall injury severity rather than looking at injuries to specific body parts, which limits the precision of injury assessment and targeted emergency response. In this study, we aim to develop specific Random Forest-based models to predict injury severity for different body parts, including the head, face, neck, thorax, abdomen, spine, and limbs. These models facilitate the analysis of correlations between various accident risk factors and body part-specific injuries. Furthermore, they enable emergency services to implement more precise and targeted response strategies after accidents happened.

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