No. | 配信 | タイトル・著者(所属) |
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自動車の安全基準に関する国際・国内動向 松坂 真史(国土交通省) 交通事故による死傷者数の削減に向けた自動車の安全基準に関する国際的な議論の動向や国土交通省の取り組みを紹介する. |
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ミクロ調査におけるイベントデータレコーダ(EDR)等によるペダル誤操作事故の実態及び傾向に関する検討 松村 英樹(自動車技術総合機構)・杉山 幹・岩田 剛和(交通事故総合分析センター) 近年ペダル誤操作事故が社会的な問題となっているが,それらの具体的な状況はあまり把握されていない.他方イベントデータレコーダ(EDR)が最近の多くの車両に搭載され,事故時の操作状況の把握が可能となってきた.本検討ではミクロ調査で得た実事故のEDRデータ等から,それら事故の実態及び傾向について検討した. |
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Advancing Automated Driving Systems development and safety evaluation with the Automated Mobility Partnership Jacobo Antona-Makoshi・Gibran Ali・Kaye Sullivan・Vicki Williams (Virginia Tech Transportation Institute)・Alex Hatchett (Global Center for Automotive Performance Simulation)・Kevin Kefauver (Virginia Tech Transportation Institute) The Automated Mobility Partnership (AMP) is a platform supporting the development and safety evaluation of automated driving systems. The AMP portal integrates events from over 35 million miles of naturalistic driving data and a decade of U.S. police-reported crash data curated by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute. AMP provides remote access for advanced data analysis, visualization, scenario generation, and human driver benchmarking. This paper demonstrates AMP's utility in supporting the identification of hazardous behaviors, the development of driver monitoring strategies, the application of integrated scenario-based analyses, the definition of crash risk-based criteria, and conformance with safety standards. |
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Construction of Traffic Accident Risk Assessment Method for Road Alignment Using Digital Road Map Ryoma Ohtani・Katsuma Ando・Ryoya Hara・Hiroshi Kuniyuki (Suwa University of Science) Based on road alignment information from digital road maps, an assessment method for the risk of traffic accidents caused by road alignment, which are often found in hilly and mountainous areas, was constructed. The number of accidents per curve section was investigated and verified against accident risk index evaluated by the length of the straight section before the curve and the curve curvature. The results showed that the accident rate on curves can be evaluated using this accident risk index. |
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Analysis of Causes for Single Motorcycle Accidents in Hilly and Mountainous Areas Using Motorcycle Driving Simulator Yuta Katayama・Taisei Kitagawa・Yusuke Numao・Hiroshi Kuniyuki (Suwa University of Science) In this study, an evaluation course was set up using a motorcycle driving simulator, assuming an S-shaped curve on a hilly and mountainous road, and a comparison of driving maneuvers between a model rider and a novice rider was conducted. As a result, novice riders are more likely to deviate from the lane than model riders due to inadequate motorcycle leaning operation, and it was indicated that this difference in driving ability is one of the factors contributing to accidents. |