Research Presentation Guidelines
To Speakers (Notes)
(1) Please be careful when handling intellectual property, advanced technology and sensitive information in your presentation. Although the conference and the conference organizing committee will take measures such as limiting the number of participants and thoroughly informing participants of prohibited acts, the possibility of such prohibited acts cannot be completely ruled out.
(2) The speaker is solely responsible for any problems arising from infringement of copyrights of others by the content of his/her presentation. Please be careful not to easily use images, pictures (including charts, illustrations, etc.), or sounds that are copyrighted by others. Appropriate citation of references is acceptable.
(Note) Please note that we do not accept any changes in the presentation time after the program has been finalized.
1. “Regulations of the Japan Society of Fisheries Science” (excerpt)
The following provisions regarding the prohibition of photography, video recording, and sound recording of presentations are included in the conference regulations, and the conference will be held in accordance with these regulations.
The presenters are requested to pay close attention to the content of their presentations, including the display of slides and posters. The Congress Organizing Committee and the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science will not be responsible for any problems that may arise in connection with presentations at the Congress.
(Prohibition of photography, video recording, and sound recording of presentations)
Article 7. Photographing, recording, or sound recording of oral presentations, poster presentations, symposia, lectures, and other research presentations without the consent of the presenter is strictly prohibited. However, this shall not apply to those approved by the Society.
2. Oral Presentations
All oral presentations will be given in a face-to-face format. Oral presentations will be given in PowerPoint (recommended) or PDF format, and will be handled by the presenter himself/herself from a PC. For details, please refer to the following.
Oral presentation time: 15 minutes (12 minutes for presentation, 3 minutes for Q&A)
(1) The OS of the PC used for oral presentations is Windows 11 (64 bit). Presentation materials will be projected on the screen using MS-Office 2021 Standard 64 bit or Adobe Acrobat Reader on an LCD projector for PCs. Please bring your own USB memory stick containing your presentation files (please be sure to check it for viruses before bringing it to the venue). In order to facilitate the smooth operation and progress of the conference, the slide size for presentations should be 4:3.
(2) Please copy your presentation files to the PC set up at the venue before the start of the morning and afternoon sessions. Please be sure to bring your presentation files to the venue and copy them to the PCs between 1 hour and 10 minutes before the start of the session. There will be no breaks during the morning and afternoon sessions, so please make copies in advance. Please make sure to name your presentation file with your presentation number and name (e.g., 999 name).
Copying time for presentation files (currently being worked out)
(3) Speakers are requested to enter the room 30 minutes prior to their presentation.
(4) Each oral presentation is 15 minutes (12 minutes for presentation, 3 minutes for Q&A), and the warning bell will ring once when 11 minutes have elapsed, and twice when 12 minutes have elapsed. If the presentation continues, the warning bell will ring three times every minute thereafter. Speakers are requested to keep their presentations on time. Speakers are requested to operate the slide feed of their presentation materials by themselves.
(5) A laser pointer will be provided, but the use of a PC cursor is recommended in a large hall.
(6) The chairperson will nominate a questioner for the Q&A session.
(7) All presentation files copied to the PC will be deleted after the conference.
(8) As a rule, one of the presenters or co-authors will be asked to serve as the chairperson for the next presentation. Please prepare a responsible chairperson.
*The chairpersons for the beginning of the sessions (the first session in the morning and the first session in the afternoon) will be the conference organizing committee members.
(9) There will be no notice posted at the venue that says “The current presentation number is ****”.
The program is posted on the conference website. (link)
Once the program has been determined, requests to change presentation times, etc. will not be honored.