• セッションNo.128 高分子材料II
  • 10月24日 白橿2 12:35-14:40
  • 座長:未定
No. タイトル・著者(所属)

Development of Plastic Materials for Striker-cap to Reduce Frictional Noise

Mingyun Chung・Daeki Chung (Hyundai Motor)・Sunghyun Myung (Kolon Plastics)

BSR noise originating from the striker-cap has been one of chronic issues within suspension system. This squeak noise arises from frictional interactions between the plastic striker-cap and the polyurethane bump-stopper of the shock-absorber. Its significance has been accentuated with the recent trend towards electrification. Nevertheless, research on frictional behavior between two plastic components has been rarely conducted, compared to plastic to metal or metal to metal. In this study, we focused on the development of plastic materials for the striker-cap with reduced BSR noise by manipulating additive materials in polyamide compounds based on friction theory.


Study on Thermo-chemical Aging Model and Field Lifetime Prediction of Plastic in Cooling Systems

Hyeongwon Park・Kyunghwan Oh・Jee Young Youn・Soonbeom Kwon (Hyundai Motor)

Plastics are increasingly used in automotive, targeting light-weighting and energy efficiency improvement. However, being susceptible to aging, they have less durability than metals, making accurate lifespan prediction crucial. Despite the use of thermal aging models like TTS and the Arrhenius Equation for accelerated life testing, their accuracy is compromised under complex conditions with multiple aging mechanisms. This study proposes a new aging model based on a modified Weibull function, validated across material, specimen, and component. This model enables accurate aging prediction, problem analysis, and new material lifespan prediction under suitable accelerated evaluation conditions.



向中野 侑哉(SUBARU)




小出 航・井口 英明・井川 亮一(住友ベークライト)




小堀 暁・西谷 崇・谷口 一歩(日本バイリーン)・達 晃一(いすゞ自動車)・篠原 直秀(産業技術総合研究所)


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